485 Withdrawl


Registered Users (C)
Here are my details :
RD : 07/26/01
ND : 08/31/01
RFE for Employment Letter : 11/12/02
Due date for RFE Response : 12/03/02

I was planning on getting married sometime in Nov so delayed sending in the response to the RFE until the last minute. But anyways I am not getting married until after April'03 so considering the post-gc/marriage issues.. I decided to withdraw my I-485.
Infact I sent in the withdrawl application and was received today(12/03/02) at INS Nebraska.
My attorney have sent in the evidence of employment with all the details requested per RFE and also included a letter requesting for the withdrawl of the application stating the reason.
The plan is to re-apply I-485 along with my spouse after the marriage. By the way I have an approved I-140 from all the service centers but CSC.
Have any of u seens any issues doing so?Would appreciate if any of you guys can input your thoughts on my move..
thanks a lot..

You withdrew your application for 485? How close where you to obtaining one? how long had you been waiting? What if you get fired, or your sponsoring company goes bankrupt? did you attorney recommend this step? Who knows how long is it going to take a year from now to get a gc with INS out of the picture... Wow that seems pretty brave of you...
How close was I to getting an approval :

well... I noticed that after sending in an RFE for employment letter.. it takes any where from 1 to 3 months to hear a decision(approval or denial). Or it could take longer.. u never know.. but I wasn't ready to gamble..

How long have I been waiting :

Started the process in April'00 and applied the 485 in July'01. If that answers your question...

Getting fired/Company going bankrupt :
Yes, anything can be possible... but my company and the attorney recomended taking this route.. well.. so far so good.. but u never know.. anything can be possible.. just hope for the best..
Possibility of a delay later :
Yes.. thats possible.. but I have an approved 140 so I can extend my H1B beyond 6 yrs if need be..
I know its a big decision.. but guess my prioirties have changes...

Hats off to you. That was a pretty brave move considering the state of the economy and the job market. I guess if more of us thought the same way, we would not have any worries.

Good Luck on your professional and personal Life.
Thank you guys for your support and wishes...
I was just wondering if there any guys out there who have or know anyone that withdrew their I-485 application for whatever reason..
jus curious to know how it went the next time around he/she re-applied for I-485.

Thanks for sharing the information..
Unusual step indeed! You should not have any problems withdrawing--INS gives a hard time to people who "submit". I'm positive they'll welcome your step with open arms. I doubt if you'll get any specific responses to your question--0% actually "withdraw"--people would rather "withdraw" from holy matrimony than from a green card application:p
Have a happy life my friend:)
Just wondering if....

INS can do a case "exchange" , ya know.. you are almost there, and I'm nowhere close....

Just kidding... BTW .. a great step and I really appreciate your decision.

Good Luck..
Thank You guys for all your support...
well.. there is not much I can do at this point than just wait until I get married and re-apply the I-485..
just hope for the best...

thanks again.....
I think its too late for my suggestion since u already withdraw ur I-485. If you r engaged and delaying marriage because of some reason then do registrar marriage and do CP for your wife.
Thanks for your suggestion... but that wasn't an options for me....
coz I am not engaged yet.. and its practically not possible for me to make a trip to India a the moment.. will have to wait until april..
A bold move


With any luck, they will delay processing your decline and approve your initial I-485 before declining or maybe ... ask for an R.F.E. on your decline!!!

Their is madness to their method!

Good luck Withdraw - I wish you the very best!
You know what.. I really wish they do that, SteveG. But I have already mentioned the reason for withdrawl in the RFE response. But you never know.. its INS.. anything can happen..

Considering the brave step you took, you should consider the option of applying for CP after getting married. I am not sure if you are eligible to go for consular processing.
Thats a good thought gcard2002... haven't thought abt it...
I will look into the possibility when I am ready to re-apply..
thanks for the information though..
Guys heres a new twist :
INS updated the status on my case and here is what it reads :

Current Status:

On December 04, 2002, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. It is taking between 420 and 450 days for us to process this kind of case. However, because preliminary processing was complete before we requested the additional material, the remaining processing time for this stage of your case is approximately 450 days.
You will receive a written decision on this case.

My question... rather concern is :
The due date for the receipt of the response was 12/03. and infact my response was received in the mail room on 3rd. But the status says it was received on 4th. Will that be a problem?
Also, as per the status,it says.. it takes around 450 days?? will it take that long? have anyone of you seen this before??
thanks a lot for any information you can share...