485-script -good one


this is one wicked script!! i changed the macro to do LIN instead of EAC, and boy, does it rock!!

i am just afraid if too many people use it, and each LIN number gets hit more than the allowable maximum in a day (i believe it is 100), then it will be locked.

so, for everyone's sake, i hope we don't end up abusing it too much.

my kudos to its developer!
can you post a link, Porkchop

Hi, how did you change the macro? I woul'd like to see NSC03120
Just change the code on the macro

Search "EAC" and replaced with "LIN", you can do a 'REPLACE ALL', totally abount 59 replaces, however, there is one command you need switch back:

'for each' -> 'for LINh'

search 'LINh' and replace back with 'each', that's all.
The way VSC board is using it

In VSC board, they divided the series among themselves, so that it does not duplicate the effort and keep the usage from a specific location within a acceptable limit. I think, we can also do that. VSC board is using it for a longtime.

Thanks, but don't get it:)

OK, changed to LIN. Now what is each about? Also, when I change to LIN the # the are same. How do I adjust it for 03120. Can someone do it for me, pls. Not EBGC are technology wise, but we still want to have access to benefits it allows:)
1. Open I485scan.xls;
2. Choose Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor;
3. The Microsoft Visual Basic Editor will be displayed;
4. Inside Visual Basic Editor, replace all "EAC" with "LIN". ( Make sure you don't over write the keyword "each") :p :p
5. Save your change and run the script.

Now you will see it rock.
To run it
Press alt+F8
Highlight I485Scan
Click Run

Respond to the questions asked by script and you will see the magic.

here's the script modified for LIN

open the excel sheet, be sure to select "enable macros", type ALT-F8, highlight "I485Scan", press "Run".

be sure to enter a very small date range, i.e. don't do the default 50001 to 59999, as this will have enough invalid LIN numbers to lock you out for 24 hours... i made this mistake!
Info to share -

It seem to me that there is some activity going on for LIN-02-100. I just got statues from 50001-50100 and got interesting results.


The following were approved -

But not activity for LIN-02-111.

Its a good idea to share the LIN# and keep track of them and share.
Pork, what is your RD/ND, mine is Feb1. '02 This script works great.

There seem to be some activity on Feb 02 cases. Could this be non emp. based apps?

LIN0210650296 Approved 11/14/2002 Approved/Completed
LIN0210650298 Approved 10/12/2002 Approved/Completed
LIN0210650299 Approved 10/15/2002 Approved/Completed
LIN0210650301 Approved 11/8/2002 Approved/Completed
LIN0210650302 Approved 3/21/2003 Approved/Completed
LIN0210650305 Approved 3/3/2003 Approved/Completed
LIN0210650306 Received 2/8/2002 Received
LIN0210650308 RFE recvd 1/22/2003 RFE recvd
LIN0210650309 Approved 11/18/2002 Approved/Completed
To gheewalabhai888

Most likely, these are 'Age-out' cases. My ND is 01/11/2002 and I have noticed a few approvals for that series. Otherwise country may have some role to play to determine the processing priority.


my RD/ND are Feb 15 and Feb 24 '02. there are a few approved cases for LINs near mine, but as i got greedy and got locked out, i don't know the complete figures. i also think that these might be age-out cases, otherwise we would have been seeing some activity for other '02 cases of people frequenting these forums. i can't imagine fathers of almost-21 year olds being very avid users of either immigrationPortal or rupnet :)
pork, what are aged out cases?

they have same rd and nd and entered on the system at the same time like regular cases! Are they family based derivatives who joined for filing on those days but have priority dates that goes with the principle applicants, in which case it can be people who applied years ago?
correct me.

actually, none of the above!

"age-out expedite" cases are those cases in which a derivative applicant son or daughter is about to reach the age of majority (i.e. 21), and therefore will lose the benefit of being a minor child adjusting status with a principal applicant parent, and will be placed in a lower priority.

if that is the case, INS/BCIS allows a principal applicant to file an expedite request for their i485. this is practically the only reason for expediting an EB i485 case that the INS/BCIS considers. i think there are some other expedite reasons on the books too, but i don't know if they are ever used for EB cases.
Re: Info to share -

I need to email you asap reg. AC I-140.
Can you inform me your email. thanks.

Originally posted by mahesh999
It seem to me that there is some activity going on for LIN-02-100. I just got statues from 50001-50100 and got interesting results.


The following were approved -

But not activity for LIN-02-111.

Its a good idea to share the LIN# and keep track of them and share.
These numbers don't tell much,

we have not seen anything on rupnet. May be rupnet is 99% representing india, and rest of the approvals seen from the script run is some other..... can there be any priority, like that?? I can't think of any better reason for these discrepancies!