485 Approved.


Registered Users (C)
Got my passport stamped.

SRC 01-104-XXXXX
PD: 01/30/00 (Changed from regular labor PD: 04/15/98 to RIR PD: 01/30/00)
ND: 02/16/2001
AD: 02/15/2002

Thank You for keeping my hopes up all this time. I wish each one of you GOOD LUCK ....
No Title

U got it stamped from where (whis INS)
and you used Courtesy Copy / Original Copy....

Congrats man!!!
cool! Good to see Year 2000 case approvals. Looks like TSC

digging deep to clear backlog cases.

Enjoy your freedom.
Congratulations and couple favor to ask

Congratulations on your approval.

1. Could you please post when you got your FP done.

2. Go to www.e-nairobi.com/aos and update/add information if you have not already. Thanks.

3. Post whether you used Courtesy Copy or Original for PP stamping (for Fundoo)
Sorry guys I was off two weeks but ....

Fundoo, I used courtesy copies as my attorney did not send the copies to me. Also immigration officer did not give them back. Got stamping done in Tampa.

FP date: 05/14/2001.