485 approved

Need help in same sort of case - QUERY

AVM message says my case transferred to Local INS office.. I donno for what reason..
Can anybody come across this type of transfer cases from INS to Local INS office and what could be the reasons
and will it be a big problem?

Thanks in advance,
Another Old Case Approved

RD --- 07/00
ND --- 08/00
FP --- 01/01
RFE Issued --- 07/01 Regarding BirthCertificate
RFE Received By Ins --- 08/01
Waited Arround 7 Months,,,Contacted Senators office..
Finally Approved on 03/11 as per AVM...
Question for Victim1

Congratulations on your approval.

Can you please give details about your contact with senator\'s office like what did you tell them? What action did they take? What was INS response? All details will be helpful. I am thinking of contacting senator of our area.

Can I have my passport stamped with courtesy copy of I485 approval notice?

Thanks. It has been two weeks. My attorney still has not received the offical copy.
No Title

my case is all over this chat
RD Jan
ND FEb 8th 2001
RFE issued Jan2002
about Biographic form, bc, emp verification
RFE replied and recived by INS Feb15th
Approved per AVM 03/09/02
please tell me what can we expect about my wife case..

Can someone please suggest something.? Mine is approved but my wife`s pending..
No Title

All i can say, you are not the only person in this situation
i have friend whose 485 approved but wifes case transferred to local INS.
it might be related to marriage certificate where they would like to see her and ask few questions.
dont worry once urs approved that will also be approved , but as usual patience patience patience......