485 Approved


Registered Users (C)
I got this good news from my lawyer. My RD Oct 1999 and PD Jul 1998 and
FP March 2001 RFE for Employment letter replied on May 4th.
This site was really helpful and almost 2 years I was surfing to find out the details about VSC. I sincerely thank Mr Rajiv Khanna for this site and thank you all . I thank the real immigration gurus myladoor , Bhanu hey I make it a point to read your comments in most of the messages.
I am waiting for the courtesy copy and I will post the stamping details.
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Hi jia
I did not redo the medical examination. I think the medical does not have any time limit like FP. I took the mdeical test on August 1999 and it is almost two years. I did not have any problem
bye and good luck
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I received the courtesy copy in today\'s mail.
I will post the stamping experience.
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added new entry as JEY1 to the VSC tracker.

Myladoor, please delete the old entry JEY from the system. thanks.