485 approved finally


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone, I just received the email from uscis that my 485 is approved. how do I order my plastic card? Will my card automatically order after my passport is stamped?
I just want to let everyone know that I also received helps from my local congresswoman. she replied all my letters with information from uscis, and she even included the uscis people she contacted. Now my 485 is approved and I have to write a thank you latter to her this week.

Anyway, here is the info...

485 ND: 2/22/02
Contact local congress woman(1st): 10/04
FP ND: 11/9/04
Contact Local congress woman(2nd): 11/04
USCIS website FP update: 11/24/04
485 AP: 1/5/05
Plastic card: ??????