485 Approved... Details inside


New Member
Hello, 485 Approved......

PD 11/95
RD 3/10/99
ND 3/24/99
Approved 7/6/2000 {Spoke to IIO, didnot receive approval notice yet.}
EAC 99126xxxxxxx
My wife\'s 485 is also approved on the same day.

All the details here are correct, it took 4 yrs 8 months for approval. It will take another few months for cards. During this time I kept on concentrating on my job, studies and my garden.

What should I carry for stamping? Sincere replies please.
I will post my stamping experience sometime next week.

All the best to you and HANGIN there. Many messages on this board mislead people {I was also confused during this long haul}.

No Title

Congratulation !!! Can you please post your FP date. Also, please let us know if the automated message has changed for you.

The stamping experience should be a peice of cake for you. ENJOY !!!
No Title

Congratulations! Could you post your EB, country, FP date, and state?


No Title

EB3 India NJ
FP 2/18/2000
I didnot receive the approval notice in todays mail. (485 approved on 7/6/2000)

Who gets the notice? I was under impression that both lawyer and the employee get one each. Which one is needed for stamping?

Keep the hopes alive.