485 & long waiting go together like a horse & carriage


Registered Users (C)
PD June98
RD June00
ND July00
FP Jan01
LIN # 00-206-****

No clue when this 485 thing will be done. Have seen a few cases with RD of May2000 already approved. Let\'s see when does NSC begin processing July00 cases, 2months or 2 years? Haven\'t they slowed down a little bit over last couple of weeks?
No Title

RD :05/30/00
ND: 06/21/00
FP: 02/06/01
LIN: 00-192-#####

Havn\'t seen any approvals lately. Any ideas whats happening.
No Title

detroit ranger,

Your FP theory about the location is right.
People live in Detroit is slow about the I-485 FP.

I live in Indianapolic, MY RD 12-28-01 ND: 1-19-01 FP: 3-27-01

But how about the I-485 approval ?
1. Localtion
2. I-485 RD (ND)
3. No rule

I will like to hear your conclusion again.