4 questions after PP stamping???

You people are great. I just had my passport stamped. Now I know the next step is getting a new social security card. I have three or four questions to ask you experts, which were not answered in any FAQ.

1- Now that I have my green card, can I test drive a car? Earlier I had only a CA driver\'s license and the dealer told me I need a green card to test drive a car, so I bought the car without test driving it. I now want to buy a Toyota Corolla and I was wondering if my green card lets me test-drive a car before buying it?

2- INS says it is illegal to not have one\'s green card on one\'s person at all times. I wanted to go to a nudist camp in California but the question was how I could carry my passport on me when in the nudist camp. I was thinking I should swallow my passport and then if the INS asks me for it, I could regurgitate it for them. Do you think the passport stamp will be safe in my stomach if wrapped in a good-quality plastic bag?

3- Before my green card, I would not talk to American girls because I thought it was probably banned for foreigners. So when they talked to me, which was all the time, I would walk away. Now that I have my green card, can I talk to American girls? Or will I get into trouble?

4- Can I take a peek at my boss\'s you-know-what in the men\'s room, now that I have my green card, or are only citizens permitted to do that?

Thanking you,
Clueless in California
What an idiot

People on this board have real work to do, real issues to deal with. We donot have time to read your stupid posts. How can you be so pathetic? If you have so much time in your hand, go to ur nudist camp or take a peek at whatever you want to. Just donot waste our time.
You are the biggest IDIOT I could ever imagine
Shame on you. Get OUT of here!
In the future

In the future, let us not reply to such posts. Our replies encourage such posts. Unfortunately we have to deal with such folks... Misusing what is an excellant free resource.

Underlying the humor - insensitive as it may be - is an important message to all of us from this poster. S/he drives home the fact that we have our green cards now and we should think of ourselves as American. This is pretty much what JoeF said to an ealier poster, which was something along the lines of: "you need to relax and learn to enjoy life, you need to stop being paranoid about everything, you have your green card now, is this concept so hard to understand?" (paraphrasing Joe here).

Before we attack this poster, let us remind ourselves that if we don\'t think of ourselves as Americans and go about life confidently, the broader society will not treat us as Americans. We need to chill out, now that we have our green cards. And like JoeF said, we need to stop being paranoid and start enjoying life once again.

Many of us put our lives ON HOLD until we get our green cards, which itself is a major mistake. Now that we have our green cards in hand, it\'s time to start enjoying everything America has to offer or else we\'re better off remaining in our home countries.

Zindagi choti hain, abh maja karo.
Translation: Life\'s short, enjoy it now.
What a joke

Great, I hope you are joking. your views look like one has to be GC holder to wipe your own A~~