30 letters and 20 faxes.. Any other ideas ? April 2002 I-485


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After my FBI name check cleared (took 3 years), USCIS (Texas) too 2 months up update it. My fingerprnt expired.
Now, per Senator's query, the USCIS will schedule me for the 2ns set of fingerprints. Don't know how long this will take.
How can i expedite this notice for 2nd fingerprints ?
I am willing to do anything....

I-485 - April 2002
FP: Jan 2004
FBI Name check cleared: Feb 22, 2005
Not trying to show my sympathy, just sharing

Be hopeful, When u see there is no way, God will make the way for you, all u need is to Pray by heart (whatever ur believes are), Prayers are answered.

God Bless You.

Wish u Good Luck.
POJ, if you feel hopeless, do you still prey?

POJ, I have preyed for 6 months since my 140 was approved. Now the 485 is still pending... I saw 98% cases were concurrently processed at my 140 approval time (early Dec, 2004), but mine..... is still pending.

Now I do feel hopeless....
willgetthere2 said:
POJ, I have preyed for 6 months since my 140 was approved. Now the 485 is still pending... I saw 98% cases were concurrently processed at my 140 approval time (early Dec, 2004), but mine..... is still pending.

Now I do feel hopeless....

Sometime in life things doesn't go exactly as we expect it, there would be some good reason for it, we don't know God knows it.

You do your best you can, and leave everything on God. practice your faith, make your faith strong and unshakeable. think in this way If God wish and he has written G.C in your luck, it would come on right time and noone can stop it.

Be hopeful, when u pray, pray by heart, Prayers are listened and answered.

Remember G.C is not only thing in life, if u put too much focus on it , you may lose some precious thing around you in life. keep balance and find happiness in small things, not just only in 'GC'.

Good Luck
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There's probably a backlog for FP notices, my congressman explained that to me, and told me it could take from 90 to 120 days to get 2nd FP, so just wait and relax, that's what I am doing know, I worry about GC only one hour during the day, life is short, so enjoy every minute.
I feel your pain. But I agree with previous posters. Not much we can do at our end.