3 yrs as PR Coming to an end and still no USGC

Guys wake up

I dont think i agree to most of the comments given here.
I am pretty much in the same boat as the rest of us. Became a landed immigrant 2 months back and labor is pending for the last one year and is probably now in backlog. (2 yrs completed on H1).

I think there are 3 big minus point about moving to Canada.
1. pathetically low salary scales (like one of the guys here in the forum
had a salary of 50K Canadian which is nothing.
i have also heard Accenture paying 50K in canada. They are
bad paymasters)

2. The cost of living is higher (atleast in Toronto where i visited)
3. The sales tax is a whopping 15% on anything you buy.

combining all the 3 above its a real rip off (i love the freedom and the peace of mind of living as a immigrant in canada but i think you shuld
consider staying in US provided you are making 80K+ which most of us are.)

As far as your residency days go, even if you move to canada in about 3.5 to 4 yrs after becoming a landed immigrant (intead of 3 yrs) i dont think it's a big deal becasue if you keep travelling thru the border and not via international airports then i dont think that should be an issue. you gotta take certain risks.

I have compared US wages with other companies where i have lived/worked/Visited i.e. Canada, UK, Germany, Singapore, Australia.
and no one will ever offer you wages like US. Australia & Singapore might come somewhat closer but still far lesser as compared to US.

Guys try and stick around instead of moving to Canada only to find that you are acting as a catalyst and boosting their economy while not making much for yourself.

This is just a personal opinion which has formed after 6 yrs of internationl work experience at several places. I might be wrong but staying in US is what i prefer.
