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2NL for October


Registered Users (C)

My CN is 2011EU00008xxx and it is current in October. I haven't received the 2NL yet. I contacted the KCC and they replied that it should get here. But, considering that it is October the 2nd already, I think I will have to do something else.

What is the best thing to do in this case?
a) Insisting for information at the KCC? They don't seem to provide the pertinent data through email (for example, the day my interview is scheduled)
b) Trying to contact the Embassy where I'm (hopefully) going to do the interview?
c) Depending on the lack of reliability of the mail service?

I think I'll do a) and b)

Anyone in the same case?

Thanks for reading this post.
Ok, I have seen that some people got that information through email from the KCC. Insisting will be the key in my case.
Well, I contacted KCC again (basically asked them when is my interview) and I received the same answer again (quite a standard):

Thank you for your inquiry.
Your forms have been received and are acceptable for the continuation of your visa processing. KCC is currently scheduling visa numbers for your region for the month of November below 12,500. If your case number is current and has completed processing, KCC will send a notification letter to you via postal mail. Please refer to the visa bulletin at travel.state.gov to locate the current numbers being processed. This bulletin is updated after the 15th day of each month.

Which is nothing new, because I know that my CN (2011EU00008xxx) is current in October (< 9600).

Is it possible that they haven't scheduled my interview yet? (that's a huge delay)
Or that they just didn't read my e-mail?

Did any of you, having a 2011EU with a bigger number than mine, receive the letter?

Hi Huff,
When did u send your forms to kcc? I sent my forms to kcc at the end of june and KCC repeatedly is giving me the same answer that you were given. As u see, my number is much lower than yours eventhough I am from Africa. Last Friday they told me to call them after two weeks at around October 15. I am now considering that our interview may even be in December as most winners scheduled for November have been already sent the 2nd NL around September 16. What do u say?
Hi labora2,

A reply like "We haven't scheduled your interview yet, please ask in a week" would be much better for me, but -you see, there's place for doubts in their answer.

I sent the forms in June the 11th.

You're right, I guess that having the CN current doesn't assure that the interview is going to be in that month... the thing is that depending on an unreliable mail service makes this harder. Best thing would be if they had a system in their web page to check the state of the application, et cetera. Much like they did with the 1st step (the random selection).

I think I'm a pain in the neck for them, because I mailed them once again.

Well, the thing is taking it easier. Next week, I'll ask again.

Good luck with your process!
Hi huff,
Did they tell you that your forms have been received and are acceptable for the continuation of ur visa processing? If the did, then u are safe and u just need to wait a little more, probably till next week and u will hear about ur interview date. Regarding sending repeated e mails, I sent them e mails three or four times at weekly intervals. This never affects ur application status. I am sure when you write them next week (mid or late next week,) they will tell you the date of ur interview. Don't worry, it will happen.
hi guys i have been sent email to kcc and asked them about stutse of my case number cuse its current in october and the answer me

Thank you for your inquiry.

Your forms have been received and are currently processing. Allow several weeks for processing. If you are scheduled for an interview, you will receive a notification letter via postal mail from KCC. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing

Case number: 2011AS00005***
i got first letter in 6 of july
sent forms in 23 of july
Well, it seems that they have a lot of work to do yet. As you said, I guess it is about asking them regularly. Third time, same answer (pasted). I will cool down a bit (till next week, then).

In the end, my only fear is not having the proper information. Ironically, I found more answers in forums than at the embassy/KCC. Praise the Internet! (and this website, also) :D

As bubblegummy said, May the GC be with you all!