2nd RFE Issued...


Registered Users (C)
Has anybody experienced 2nd RFE .
My RD - 8/14/01
First RFE - 11/5/02 for BC and Employment verification.
2nd RFE issued by INS on 1/14/03, waiting for details


got 2nd rfe . First was for DOB which I sent to affidavits as i had recent regiration. 2nd do not know what it is. Waiting for the letter to arrive. What did they ask you about your DOB what was your responce for that. Please share..

Good luck
reply to MERC...

The first RFE was because my birth certificate was a recent registration like yours. I had sent them affidavits from my parents and couple of relatives stating the fact that I was born on the date specified on the BC and they were physically present at the time of birth.
When did you receive ur second RFE, can you please post ur details like RD, Date of first RFE etc..
Trying to understand if NSC has just started reissuing RFE and still not doing any approvals

Appreciate ur response.
desigc - pl. post details

hi desigc,
please post details on dates you received you first rfe, when was the reply received by INS and the contents of the first rfe in detail.

was both bc and employment verification just for you or your spouse got an rfe too.

was your message updated after INS received details on your rfe - if so what message?

please post details of your new rfe when you receive them.

don't know what INS Nebraska wants - all kinds of queries on standard documents such as birth certificate and employment letter. hope they don't make it a practice to waste time instead of approving the cases!

Reply to bobr

My details :
RD - 8/14/01
ND - 9/21/01
FP - 7/31/02
First RFE - 11/5/02
Response received and updated by INS for first RFE - 12/26/02 [though they received it on 12/19/02, probably due to X'mas holidays]
Updated message says On 26th Dec we received your response for additional evidence.. blah blah
Second RFE - 1/14/03 - Waiting details

First RFE was only for me, till now no RFE for spouse
RFE Details:
Since BC was registered recently, send supporting documents for the confirmation of birth date
Employment verification - Standard letter confirming employment.

Hope this helps and Hopefully other guys who have received RFE in Oct, Nov, Dec start receiving approvals....?????
desigc - 2nd rfe

you got to know of your 2nd rfe from the INS online website or from the AVM?

what was the exact wording for your employment letter? was it like: submit a currently dated letter from your employer giving current title, salary, start date and terms and conditions continue to exist?

what was the format of the employment letter your company sent?

As for the BC - did it say: submit hospital records, or census records, church records etc. or you may submit 2 affidavits from persons who have knowledge of your birth etc.

a lot of indians have received BC rfe's saying the registration was done later and it is hearsay evidence.

did you get you BC notarized and on stamp paper from India? i know of someone who got 3 RFEs in 485 all for BC - first time for affidavits, second because the notary didn't sign and third for a missing notary stamp or something. it was totally ridiculous. but has happenned in the past.

i wouldn't worry too much - may be they want proof that you are maintaining valid status. i have seen that in a few cases.

let us know, thanks.
A second RFE has been issued in my case also.

RD: 08/09/01
ND: 09/19/01
FP: 03/22/02
1st RFE Issued 11/22/02 and Received by INS on 11/27/02: Birth Date confirmation for both self and spouse: Replied with affidavits from parents, record of landing from Canada and medical and insurance papers issued 10 years ago
2nd RFE Issued 01/10/03 issued for myself only, none for spouse: Waiting for details......

My RFE was issued on nov 20th . Replied on dec 9th. Recvd 13th dec. 2nd RFE on 10th Jan'03. No details on this. My affidavits were signed but signed at the bottom

RD 08/17
N/D 09/19
employment letter

Whom does INS sends employment letter. To us , Attorney or employer. Please respond. Has anyone recvd the 2ns RFE letter.
question for foli

Why do you have to submit all these documents"record of landing from Canada and medical and insurance papers issued 10 years ago ". What exactly the wordings where? When is your RD . Mine is 08/17/2001. Please responce.
question for foli

Was you birth certificate recent registration?? Have you submitted anything from indian consulate stating that prior to 1969 there was any law in india for birht registration. Please responce. My RFE was sent on 10th like yours but haven't recvd the letter yet.
I recvd my 2nf RFE letter today. It is for employement. Can someone tell me about the job title. Does it has to match with the labour or I140 job title .

What should be the format.. Please help..
question for desi_gc

Can you put details on your 2nd RFE. Why else do they need. You already sent your DOB and employement verification. Have you changed the job recently or address change. Do you have any idea. Just to get a sence of RFE...??

Any EB1-EA and NIW applicants received RFE about Employment??

We have a lot of RFEs regarding employment status. I am curious if the applicants of EB1-EA (self-sponsored) and NIW (self-sponsored) can also get RFEs about their employment status.

Any input is welcomed.
desi gc/merc - pl. post details on 2nd RFE status

by now you must have received details on the 2nd RFE i guess. please post the details.
