2nd PP stamping attempt failed.


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as i posted last week, i went there last time at 5:00 AM but was cut off at 3 positions ahead of me. yesterday i wwent there 12:10 AM but there were already too many people, looked more than last week when i was there at 5:00AM. so i thought it better for me not to wait since the chance to get in was not good. i drove back. it is really crazy!
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 I just drove by to check the status (at San Jose INS),
 and I heard one of them saying they were in line by 3:30PM the previous day. And they are not that far ahead in the line.

 So I dont think it is worth trying before April 30th.
 And I think April-30th they are going to only take 485 Applications
 (I dont think they will take Passport Stamping cases)
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Hi kevin & yendamuri, just a suggestion, how about trying Fresno INS. Do they do PP stampings.
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my lawyer said i could only go to the office specified on my notice. I want to know that too. anybody tried SF office?
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I just did my pp stamp in SF INS office while I was told to do it
in SJ office. They don\'t really check it word by word.
Go try it!
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Hi, Michael, tha\'s good news, can you give a little bit more details about what it like there these days? thanks.
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I went to SF INS (630 Sansome St. San Francisco, CA 94111).
Took the Sansome St. entrance and went straight up to the 2nd
floor room 200. Dropped the approval notice and got my pp
stamped in less than 2 hours.
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I am also interested to get my interim EAD. I live in SJ bay area. I am not sure whether we can get interim EAD from Fresno.

Did you check this with anybody?
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I got there at about 11:00am, parked my car.
Dropped the notice and they called me in 10 minutes,
asked me for pp, ead, ap and 2 photos. And then
I got it done at about 1:00pm.
Better get there before noon. There were more people
around noon.

I am afraid that if too many people do it this way,
the SF INS will prohibit it soon.

ps. don\'t take the Washington St. Entrance.
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Thanks a lot Michael for the pointer. Can I ask you one question? When you reached there at 11:00 am, was thre any line at all?
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Just 3 people waiting to be called to submit materials.
They dropped their notices and then sat there waiting.
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Mike, Did your APPROVAL say that you need to go to SJ INS......Sorry I am trying to understand why my attorney advised me not to go to SFO INS or any other INS for stamping.....Suresh
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Yes, it says that I should appear at the SJ office.
I think the INS usually does not want this to happen.
But you can try. As I mentioned, they don\'t really check.
I don\'t when they will figure this out.
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I read a news report today. It said people are lining up in front
of SJ office around noon for tokens the next day. This is

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I went today to SFO to try to stamp my passport and officer got so pissed at me!!! I wasn\'t able to get the stamping done. Not all officers are flexible and collaborative.
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Why is everyone in such a hurry to PP stamped ??

There is no deadline or time period by which you SHOULD get stamping done , right ??