2nd FP tracker


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys. This is a 2nd FP tracker for all 485 filers who have RD/ND between Jun and Dec 2002. Could you guys please provide details on your 2nd FP notices. Have you receved 2nd FP or not. Here are my details :

RD Oct 14 2002
ND Oct 30 2002

FP1 Dec 5, 2002.

No other activity on my case till date. Judging by the trend it appears that FP should not be expired in order to get an approval even without RFE like it happended today for RaghuC's case.

Thanks and Regards to all !!
RD: ?? JUN 02
ND: 25 JUN 02
1st FP: 16 AUG 02
2nd FP: Recieved 05/06 for 06/17 (Self)
Received 05/17 for 06/29 (Wife)

Planning to try my luck for an early FP at Detroit (Normally they do not entertain).

2FP 5/20/04 (scheduled for 7/1/04, no online update)

Other Details--
140 AD 8/15/02 (EB1)
485 ND 11/18/02, LIN030365***
1FP 1/3/03
Am I the only one with Oct 2002 RD to NOT get a 2nd FP notice. Now I am getting concerned. We did an address change last year and I am wondering if by mistake they sent 2nd FP to my previous address.

Is there a way to find this out guys. The customer service people know nothing when I call them. They say they are still processing Dec 2001 cases. I am so fedup of this frustrating process.... :confused: :confused:
RD 09/27/2002
ND 10/17/2002
FP-1 11/02/2002
FP-2 05/07/2004 (Actual scheduled date is 06/19/2004) Did early FP.

Hi GRCA 2002 and Hidden Drago. I hope you guys get approval without haveing to do 2nd FP. I gues this means they will send RFE even with expired FP. When does this FP expire. Is it 15 or 18 months ?

This is just more crazy than ever. I am gonna call NSC and find out if they can send me 2nd FP as my first one is probably expired. Dont know if it would help. :confused:
In my case RFE was sent on tenth day after 15 months of calendar days. So I do not know if it was "expired" when RFE was sent.
2nd FP

Received 2FP notice. Date mentioned in the letter was June 07 2004, we went on 5th May, gave our 2FP.

Today Online message changed show they received the FP.

RD 08/2002
ND 08/2002
1FP 10/2002
2FP 05/2004

1EAD 09/2002
2EAD 08/2003

Hi Guys. I called USCIS customer service and this is what they told me. They said my FP were received on Jul 9, 2003 so they are still valid. She also said that we will not receive 2nd FP till another 3-4 months atleast. I told her that we did FP on Dec 2002 but they said they got it back only on Jul 9, 2003. Then she said the usual that Nebraska is still processing Dec 2001 cases.

This is weird because a lot of 485 filers have this standard message which is : On Jul 9 we received the results of your FP and Processing has resumed on your cases. We were thinking the reason for this is because we did an address change last year.

Hidden Dragon and GRCA 2002: Did you guys also do an address change last year ? Did you also have that message for Jul 9 also before getting the RFE. If that is the case then it seems like they think the FP are still valid.

Let us know when you get chance. Thanks !!
Yes I had that change of "On July 9...." due to AR11, But I do not think that they are considering July 9th as the date for expiration. May be you gott someone whop probabaly knows even less than us! :p
GRCA 2002: Maybe you are right. These customer service guys know jack shit really. :p :p

But I am interested to know how many people who had that Jul 9 message DID actually get 2nd FP notice. Maybe the officer assigned to our case also uses that Jul 9 as a criteria. In that case people like you or me may not need to do 2nd FP.

If anyone who had that Jul 9 message did actually receive 2nd FP then please let us know. I am sure this will help all of us to atleast get some sort of an idea about how Nebraska is processing our cases.

Why the hell does that Jul 9th date show for everybody. :confused: :confused:
2nd FP notice

Received 2nd FP notice on Monday (05/24/04) scheduled for 06/21/04

I-485 RD 10/03/02
I-485 ND 10/15/02
1st FP 11/02

Nothing has changed otherwise
In my case online status is still showing July ..blah..blah. But I did my 2nd FP on May03,2004. Now it seems NSC is punishing Jun/Jul 2002 filers, just b'coz they were finger printed earlier,but is not doing bad job either in approving new cases.

But at least they should process faster for those old cases who did their 2nd FP.
puneet_gccard, which number did you call and which sub menu you've chosen to talk to someone. I just called national center and was told they have no way to tell when the FP was received. Thanks
I neve had message change until RFE. I didn't have address change, and I don;t see how the two can connect.

puneet_gcard said:
Hi Guys. I called USCIS customer service and this is what they told me. They said my FP were received on Jul 9, 2003 so they are still valid. She also said that we will not receive 2nd FP till another 3-4 months atleast. I told her that we did FP on Dec 2002 but they said they got it back only on Jul 9, 2003. Then she said the usual that Nebraska is still processing Dec 2001 cases.

This is weird because a lot of 485 filers have this standard message which is : On Jul 9 we received the results of your FP and Processing has resumed on your cases. We were thinking the reason for this is because we did an address change last year.

Hidden Dragon and GRCA 2002: Did you guys also do an address change last year ? Did you also have that message for Jul 9 also before getting the RFE. If that is the case then it seems like they think the FP are still valid.

Let us know when you get chance. Thanks !!
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Hi Hidden Dragon. I called the 800 number and used options 1,6 and then I think it was 6 again to get to a Cust Service Rep. After that I had to wait for almost 10 minutes.

I just made my wife call them and to her they told the same thing. But this time the cust service rep said that she is not 100 % sure how FP is processed. Only that they received the FP in Jul 2003 so most probably they are not expired. MY wife asked to her to check our new address and she said that they dont have access to Personal Information so there is no away they can verfiy. That is funny because for me they did verify our current address.

I dont know what to make of this at all. I think each cust service rep answers differently and there is no consistency at all. It is like they just speak whatever they think of at the time. :confused: :confused:
Is you online message about FP received on 2003? or what does it say?
I am sure what they were doing was to
1)open an explorer,
2)and type in your lin#.
3)Read off the page.
4) make up thing they don't know, or say there is no way to tell
5) at the end they'll ask if you question is anwsered or not. For the purpose of evaluation of cource.

The question is of course anwsered, except the anwser is they don't know more than you do.
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My Details:
R/D 12/17/2002
N/D 12/20/2002

1 FP 02/01/2003

RFE (EVL and Address Check) 05/06/2004, Received by lawyer on 05/13/04, Not replied yet.

Haven't received 2 FP notice yet.
My Online msg. never changed from Day One until the RFE. It never mentioned anything about my 1 FP receipt.