2nd FP for Dec cases?


Registered Users (C)
Have the majority of 2001 Dec. cases recevied their 2nd FP? I am WAC02072, no update yet. I am gonna be out of the country for about a month. I am afraid the notice come during my absence and I miss the fingerprint date.

Does the FP notice come to Lawyer or applicants? My lawyer is always out of town for a few weeks.
Originally posted by nonoclue

Does the FP notice come to Lawyer or applicants? My lawyer is always out of town for a few weeks.

From what I have seen and heard, usually to the Lawyer.

wac02-065 --> haven't received 2nd FP notice yet.
me neither

our wac 02066 5xxxx we haven't received 2nd FP ..

nIMITRAMATRA: R U SURE FP notice will go to lawyer only ?

FP Original is sent to you... A courtesy copy is sent to the attorneys...

First FP was done in April 2002.. No 2nd FP...
Me neither. I call BCIS first day of every month to do an inquiry, has done that for two months, but no reply each time.
