28 Aug Case approved

Just about there

Registered Users (C)
It’s my turn to say the magic words that with the blessing of Almighty God, my wife’s and mine 485 cases have been approved.

PD - 20 Jun 00
RD - 28 Aug 01
ND - 30 Oct 01
AP - 28 Jun 02
EB3 Philadelphia

Received the notice in mail today. Never called IIO and never checked AVM. Came to this country 11 years ago on F-1 and have seen many tough times but today's news made it a meaningful memory. Thanks to the people running this board and hang in guys. Your turn is not far away.
Congratz! Is it safe to assume..

That VSC is now well into processing August cases? I've seen at least three new August approvals (and none with an earlier date).
just about there, congratulations

As a courtesy, your info has been added to Rupnet Easytracker.Pl. check private msg for user Id and password.