$240 down the drain


Registered Users (C)
My 485 was approved on 9/19, the same day I mailed my EAD renewal (I-765 RD 9/20, ND 9/25)

I received the EAD renewal receipts today (9/30). INS has also cashed the 2 $120 checks today.

Will post about what happens to the EAD renewal. Not that I care much. Just to keep everyone updated about the way this organization functions.

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INS is really stupid. They know that I485 takes a year and they know that people have to renew their EAD 90 days in advance, but EAD is valid for a year. What a hell it is! They are tring to generate more revenus or try to increase their workload!

They do not know how to handle I140/I485 concureent filing but they validate the policy anyway. so messy.

my friend, looks like you can't use that $240 to buy something you dreamed of... too bad for me as well...

what do u think ? should i cancel the two checks now? 9/23 - 9/30, i may still have time...
better safe than sorry guys

$240 loss is okay dudes. Be happy about the approval.

Treat it like a bad investment in the market!


If you cancel check, Does INC get charged for putting cancel check. IF so,........they may get pissed off about your checks.

Be carefully....before you cancel...

My suggests is .....don't care.....you got GC....try to earn..more
ramukv and syj

Why can't you guys think of that $240 as hundi given to God (in this case INS) ? We all know how INS functions. Nothing ever happens in a timely/orderly fashion. There might be different departments handling renewals versus approvals.

Just my 2 cents!:)
I dont think they will cash your checks anyway.After all they are not so dumb. They will check your 485 status before cashing your check. I think.
Quincy, please read my post.

They have cashed my checks and sent me a receipt for EAD renewal though they received it after my 485 approval.

Approved people please have mercy on Us unapproved ones


I guess you should be happy that atleast you got approved before this audit shit started. There are people who are waiting for approval with july, august RDs and will not mind to pay even much more to get an approval. Also you never know what will be the result of this audit shit and how long it will take (even though they say that audit is till 10/8/02 I sure dont believe it because 10/8 is a tuesday and once they are done with audit lots of IIO will be so tired that they will probably take rest of the week of for resting thier tired mind and body). Or if some stupid IIO will misplace one's files during this audit and one may not see his/her approval for long time. You will also not know if the will move current dates back or not (Specially for us EB3 souls)
so ppl who are approved and have to pay $240 for EAD renewal pleeaaaaaaseeeeee look at us unlucky people and be happy that you got approved

MD ( I dont know which face to put here so I am puting bunch of them :( :eek: :D :confused: :mad: :rolleyes: )
I am ready to pay them 5000

if they approve me tomorrow.

Ramukv, think of all those extra bucks you will make when you go independent or start your own business. $240.00 is just a hundi (as phoaupkari suggested).

INS, however do not deserve even a penny more than what they have charged us.
That is bad

I did not read it fully anyway. All said and done I think you have to say... it happens. you cant get back the money now unless you followup for a long time. I dont think they have enough resources to even read your letter if you write to them. So, just forget it and think you paid a premium for your GC.
Valium is a sleeping tablet used by heart patients normally. On the same reasoning xanax must be same.

And that would definitely give a stronger kick than alcohol. :D

Originally posted by habibi
whats xanax/valium ?
main use of valium is seizure, it can also be used for anxiety or sleep.
xanx is use for anxiety.
i think ppl in america are abusing this medication.
if you take with alcohol you will have fun....effects like street drugs
and you will spend money on gals in club, but will have more fun with this meds.