221g related questions..., please help


Registered Users (C)
Any experience from people facing 221g during there visa stamping would be of help.
1) Did any body get there case approved after being with-held because of 221g. How long did it take ? Did they get any letter saying there case is approved or was it just a phone call ?
2) Did one go and get there visa stamping after such an approval.
Is there any deadline before which we have to go to get visa stamping after getting such a call?
Can one ignore such a call if he/she don't need the visa stamping.
3) Do we have to submit all the forms again when we go back to get visa stamping.
4) Is there a chance that visa may be rejected at the consulate even after they get a call saying that there case is approved.

Thanks in advance
I am planning to goto Canada after getting 221(g). I've to get my canading pr stamp too. Would appreciate if someone could guide us:)

There are others like me too with same situation - 221g not clearly approvable at this time.. , we are all looking forward to someone who could guide us properly before going to India/Canada/other places for visa renewal.
Though in my case they have not marked my passport anywhere for "Cancelled without prejudice" or anything else.

Your H1-sponsor should respond to 221(g) with required evidence/documentation in 45-90 days. Then, you attach those response to send to consulate as you have required evidence to re-open the case.

Otherwise, if consulate doesn't get response in 90 days, your case/visa would be closed DENIED automatically without any letter from consulate.
Once again, DOS didn't ask us to submit anything or didn't rejected our validation becuase we were missing something. They just responded that "your application is not clearly approvable this time". So no, we can't ask our employer to submit something, which wasn't asked for.
Even I got the 221g and did not know I had my emplloyer to send info for replying to the denial. Is there a reason we should. I was just hoping to visit India next yr and applying for Visa there. Right now, even if I do not have the visa stamped, I do have the H1B status valid until dec, 2005.
lohith said:
Your H1-sponsor should respond to 221(g) with required evidence/documentation in 45-90 days. Then, you attach those response to send to consulate as you have required evidence to re-open the case.

Otherwise, if consulate doesn't get response in 90 days, your case/visa would be closed DENIED automatically without any letter from consulate.
221-g deals mainly with financials/h1-dependencey/labor violations/genuine business of employer, only employer can furnish. so it may ask ur w2 if u r employed.

see attached 221-g
please help Ds156 Q35

Hi all,
I am going to toronto on monday for visa stamping. I got 221g from washington in june stating that, i need an interview. My question is what do i have to write for questions 35.

35-- Has your visa ever been cancelled or revoked?

I got a cancelled without prejudice stamp on my visa when i got 221g, what should i write yes or no?

same ppl told me writing yes will not grant me a visa, as my visa was revoked.

What if i have some errors on my DS-157 and they ask me to fill it again or do corrections, will i be able to do it inside the consulate or i have to go outside to do that?

please help i have only one day and i have already filled up the form. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanx in advance
Did you have any complication (in past such as arrest or something) that DOS did not grant the visa during revalidation? I am of the opinion that it should be a 'yes' since valid was refused...not sure if you say 'no', if they get to know. Please keep us posted on your experience. And Best of Luck!
All clear

Never been ticketed even? No criminal background atall. Just possible name match, but got cancelled without prejudice stamp and a 221g.
221(g) from washington--got visa stamped from chennai consulate

I received 221(g) from washington for revalidation visa stamping on second week of july stating that the application is not clearly apporvable and had to get the visa stamped with an interview from consulate.
Got my visa stamped on last week of october from chennai consulate....the interview was straight. The interviewer asked for the refused application (221g) as i mentioned the visa refused in visa application. She just looked at it and returned back. And there were some questions about employment history.
I think 221(g) doesn't really matter for revalidation visa stampng if you have all the required documents attached (mainly w2 forms and pay stubs) and the salary is within the range mentioned in LC).

good luck.
Immember: Do u know why they did not revalidate your visa here in DOS? Any complications or no reason given. Thanks for updating the forum. Much appreciated.
When does one generally get 221G?

Is denial of H-1B Visa application under 221G common? Under what circumstances does one generally get 221G? What are the documents one should carry to avoid rejection under 221G, if one is working as a software consultant at client sites?

Hi Immember

Congrats for getting visa from chennai after getting 221(g) from DC. I think , you are the first guy to get visa in recent days after 221(g). If you don't mind, can you post what all the questions they asked you about employment history? Also what all documents you submitted?

Do they ask old exp certificates and education certificates also?

Are they particular about old W2s, or is current W2 sufficient? Because my old W2 has got 10k less than required on LCA. I got reason for that , though. I went back to india for couple of months. Did they collect finger print or kind of security check they ran before giving visa?

I know these are lot of questions, but your help is highly appriciated. Many guys like me will be benifited from your reply. I am planning to go to India next month.

sriram: Please make sure you update the site as well. Did you get a 221g as well? Do u want what the cause was, in your case?
Here are answers to previous post:
The reason i think for MY 221g from DC is that the visa application was not filled-in properly. I had left some of the fields unfilled instead of mentioning NIL or NONE. They would have sent back to reduce the workload.

I submitted all the documents mentioned in http://chennai.usconsulate.gov/wwwhnivwork.html (you can ignore the documents listed under first time applicants....) plus the w2 forms and paystubs for which the w2 is not available.

The questions related to emp history was like how long worked in a company, why did you change the job and all the companies that i worked in past. She asked about the salary of last year and checked the same with w2.

Everyone has to give the fingerprint at the interview.

Hope this helps
221 (g) rejection in Chennai

Even I got 221(g) rejection for first time H1B visa in Chennai consulate. They asked me to get the following documents.
1) Interior and exterior photos of the employer and the premises where worker will be deployed.
2) w2 forms of all the employees
3) provide details of specific of how worker will be employed for next 12 months and
4) A list of candidates petitioned in Chennai consulate

Can anyone tell me whether my employer will be able to produce all the above documents. I guess there may be some issues with points 2 and 3.

In case if I get the above document will I be able to get the Visa?

Please give some info!!
