221 admin process


New Member

Plz guide me for the below:

i attended intrvw in chennai on 22 dec 2006, i got the 221g additional administrative process

ME : good morning
VO : gud mrng, give me ur dox(i707b,lc,i129,passport), then she asked my degreee certificates & marks list & present exp letter,docs
ME : i gave my certificates
VO : She checked them once & itook all the docs and came back after some time and said wait for sometime.

After 10 mins, one guy(indian) called me and took to the one closed room.

IND: i think ur present company docs are not genuine, if ur going to accept it is better for u . otherwise u r not goiing to get US in ur life.
ME: how can u say it is not genuine, i had every dox with me including the direct deposit bank statement.
IND : he asked me some thing abt the company
ME : i said .............
IND : he assked on what projecct ur working?
ME : i said about the project
IND : He askedd abt the SAPBW
ME : i answered every question
IND : Again he saked me r u sure thhese docs are genuine only
ME Sure
IND : he asked me to wait in the office..
ME : i went sit in the chair for a 10 mins.

After 10 mins

VO : Sir, we have to verify your docs, it will take some time, we will call you later. If you have any photocopies of the Academicc certificates
ME : i gave her all photocopies of the Academicc certificates

VO : She gavepassport back with a blue color paper ticked with additional administrative process

Plz guide me about my situation,,, is i have to wait or leave the hopes about US VISA.
221g = basically the consulate is not ready to issue you the visa at the moment

This does not mean a rejection. All it means is that some legwork needs to be done by the consulate (or any other agency) to make a firm decision on your visa application. In your instance, it seems the consulate doubts the authenticity of the sponsor's documents. They will somehow verify this to their content and then get back to you. Unfortunately all you can do is wait for them to call you. I know it is easier said than done.
Good luck!!!