• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


Guys, do you think there's the possibility of another draw being held just like that of what happened in 2013?
Correct me if am wrong but if am not mistaken most of us in this forum weren't selected sadly, is this the thread everywhere or people are actually winning elsewhere too?

Yes, and most of the people who entered were not selected either. Chances of winning are around 1%. It's really not surprising to not find many winners, especially yet as some people still haven't checked.
As much as I'd like another draw to be hold, I don't think that's gonna happen.

Doubt that's gonna happen to be honest. I think its the best to accept the not selected and try next year on DV 2018. Most winners will be part of the forum when they start to search for info.
what hurts most is in spite of being a selectee i am still trying to be selected. Not selected in 2017, me and my wife both. Whoever have been selected i wish them best luck
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Hello Mattk, How did you get to Britain. Can you link me to an opportunity?

Even though I am Australian and I was born in Australia, I am also a British citizen 'by descent' due to my British ancestry. Therefore it was easy for me to move to Britain, since I am already British. I have been a dual Australian/British citizen since birth.
Not selected, but not phased. For those people who are obsessed with the idea of moving to America, Ill share my perspective after 4 unsuccessful attempts of the lottery. In my first lottery (DV 2014) I though about the draw on a daily basis. I dreamed everyday about living in America. I put things on hold, believing I would get selected. The lottery got in the way of my life. I was infatuated with America. I was extremely disappointed when I was not selected the first time. The second time was just as hard. By my 3rd attempt, I had learned to manage my expectations, and was not nearly as disappointed when I was not selected. This year, I don't even care. I have barely thought about the lottery, or living in America, since I entered in October. What happened? I changed something in my life. I traveled, I started a new job and moved to Britain. I think what I needed more than moving to America, was just a change in my life. I achieved that without moving to America, and I am happy. At the end of all the speculation is the fact that, really, your chances of getting selected for the lottery are extremely low. Not getting selected in the lottery is not a lost opportunity, so long as you take advantage of another opportunity, or another path that can change your life and make you happy and content. I feel relieved that my infatuation with America and the lottery is over. I will continue to enter the lottery every year, but I enter without any expectation to win. If I do win, I will think about it at that time. Until then, life goes on, and I am not troubled the slightest by the thought that I may never win the lottery. For those of us who are fortunate enough to live in the EU, you already have so much variety available to you. I believe that people who want to move to America really just want a change in their life. Change is waiting for you. Don't wait for the lottery.
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I believe that people who want to move to America really just want a change in their life. Change is waiting for you. Don't wait for the lottery.

While I generally agree with what you wrote, and that a lottery is just that and not a "plan" etc, maybe be aware that the "change" in their lives that a Ugandan gay person, or Tanzanian albino, or Iraqi living in Basra, or a Syrian refugee, ete etc etc, wants is very different than the change someone bored by Australia wants, and change is not that easy for everyone - for example not everyone has the kind of passports you were lucky to be born with enabling you to just move from one western, rich country to another without even needing a visa.

None of that changes the fact that it's a lottery and not a life plan, but other people may not be able to be so nonchalant about not winning,

(...I wouldn't have responded if you'd posted this in an OC forum, but you posted it in a general one, so....)
While I generally agree with what you wrote, and that a lottery is just that and not a "plan" etc, maybe be aware that the "change" in their lives that a Ugandan gay person, or Tanzanian albino, or Iraqi living in Basra, or a Syrian refugee, ete etc etc, wants is very different than the change someone bored by Australia wants, and change is not that easy for everyone - for example not everyone has the kind of passports you were lucky to be born with enabling you to just move from one western, rich country to another without even needing a visa.

None of that changes the fact that it's a lottery and not a life plan, but other people may not be able to be so nonchalant about not winning,

(...I wouldn't have responded if you'd posted this in an OC forum, but you posted it in a general one, so....)

I was just offering my perspective Susie. People can take it or leave it. I did not intend to target all sections of humanity. My perspective was targeted only towards those people who it can help. If it only helps people in rich countries, that's fine by me. It does not mean that I do not care about people in other situations. I know there are people helping them already, and I will help them too if I can.
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I Was not selected again this year. 8th year:(! This is the end of my DV story though. I am getting married near the end of the year so will have to get a "marriage green card" lol. We didn't want to get married just for the sake of it, but right now we have no other options. Love is love right.

I wish everyone on these forums all the best. I've been on here since almost 2012 and always been checking almost daily. I wish you all nothing but the best for the future and a great successful life ahead:)!
I Was not selected again this year. 8th year:(! This is the end of my DV story though. I am getting married near the end of the year so will have to get a "marriage green card" lol. We didn't want to get married just for the sake of it, but right now we have no other options. Love is love right.

I wish everyone on these forums all the best. I've been on here since almost 2012 and always been checking almost daily. I wish you all nothing but the best for the future and a great successful life ahead:)!

Good luck on getting the green card.
Not selected, but not phased. For those people who are obsessed with the idea of moving to America, Ill share my perspective after 4 unsuccessful attempts of the lottery. In my first lottery (DV 2014) I though about the draw on a daily basis. I dreamed everyday about living in America. I put things on hold, believing I would get selected. The lottery got in the way of my life. I was infatuated with America. I was extremely disappointed when I was not selected the first time. The second time was just as hard. By my 3rd attempt, I had learned to manage my expectations, and was not nearly as disappointed when I was not selected. This year, I don't even care. I have barely thought about the lottery, or living in America, since I entered in October. What happened? I changed something in my life. I traveled, I started a new job and moved to Britain. I think what I needed more than moving to America, was just a change in my life. I achieved that without moving to America, and I am happy. At the end of all the speculation is the fact that, really, your chances of getting selected for the lottery are extremely low. Not getting selected in the lottery is not a lost opportunity, so long as you take advantage of another opportunity, or another path that can change your life and make you happy and content. I feel relieved that my infatuation with America and the lottery is over. I will continue to enter the lottery every year, but I enter without any expectation to win. If I do win, I will think about it at that time. Until then, life goes on, and I am not troubled the slightest by the thought that I may never win the lottery. For those of us who are fortunate enough to live in the EU, you already have so much variety available to you. I believe that people who want to move to America really just want a change in their life. Change is waiting for you. Don't wait for the lottery.

Thanks for sharing your personal story Matt. It is hard to accept it after getting the not selected message but that helps to understand that winning this is not easy and its basically base on luck comparing people that try for over 10 times without any kind of positive results and people trying for the first time and getting the lucky number.
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Even though I am Australian and I was born in Australia, I am also a British citizen 'by descent' due to my British ancestry. Therefore it was easy for me to move to Britain, since I am already British. I have been a dual Australian/British citizen since birth.
Wow. You're one blessed dude to have this kind of opportunity. Let's hope for 2018. I like your perspectives of keep moving forward and taking available opportunities. Can we connect.
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For the 5h time - Entry HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED :)

I completely agree with MattK btw! Your story sounds like mine ;) I can not say that I don't care anymore but I now know (well I mean it's been 5 years!) that my chances of getting selected are close to 0.
Alright. Just registered here :) But I have been following this forum for years already.

I can't tell exactly how many times I played DV Lottery so far because when I first applied I was in America - sitting in the same room, in front of the same computer, reading instructions on how to apply for DV Lottery. If it's not 2001 then for sure it was 2004 which tells me that this was minimum my 12th application (with one additional draw/reveal some 3 years ago it is actually 13 trials so far... OMG!) . But if I applied for the first time back in 2001 then it is 16 trials so far. I also played for my mother for at least 13 times, so a total number of trials for both of us is either 26 or 29 times.

In the mean time I have been 3 times in the USA. 2 times on a student exchange and 3rd time to obtain my masters degree. I guess I don't have to mention how winning a GC would change my life for better! Not for better, for amazing!!!

However, reality is harsh. I hate to admit it but - no luck so far :'( I know that chances are low but then again - they are not THAT low. 1 in 100 (or so) ain't bad according to me. It's not like a real lottery where usually a chance is around 1 in 13 million combinations to win the main prize. Here it's approximately 100,000 winners in 13 million, except that every person who got selected won BINGO!

I will definitely continue to play in the future as long as DV Lottery exists but I am afraid that my American Dream is dead. Gods of Fortune are not on my side obviously. I have done everything right in my life, everything that was in my power. But to achieve a complete success, happiness or zen (whatever you call it) - the one needs to have that benevolent spirit to accompany him or her throughout life (some call it 'mojo') and I miss that so much! I miss mojo! I have never had it :(

Anyway, congrats to all the winners this year and best of luck to all of us others next year!

P.S. Since there is no official info on total number of selectees this year (so far), and the number of people who have reported they won on various forums seems quite low to me, I still hope for some mini-miracle to happen and that maybe additional number of selectees for DV2017 will be revealed subsequently. Am I a dreamer?
Alright. Just registered here :) But I have been following this forum for years already.

I can't tell exactly how many times I played DV Lottery so far because when I first applied I was in America - sitting in the same room, in front of the same computer, reading instructions on how to apply for DV Lottery. If it's not 2001 then for sure it was 2004 which tells me that this was minimum my 12th application (with one additional draw/reveal some 3 years ago it is actually 13 trials so far... OMG!) . But if I applied for the first time back in 2001 then it is 16 trials so far. I also played for my mother for at least 13 times, so a total number of trials for both of us is either 26 or 29 times.

In the mean time I have been 3 times in the USA. 2 times on a student exchange and 3rd time to obtain my masters degree. I guess I don't have to mention how winning a GC would change my life for better! Not for better, for amazing!!!

However, reality is harsh. I hate to admit it but - no luck so far :'( I know that chances are low but then again - they are not THAT low. 1 in 100 (or so) ain't bad according to me. It's not like a real lottery where usually a chance is around 1 in 13 million combinations to win the main prize. Here it's approximately 100,000 winners in 13 million, except that every person who got selected won BINGO!

I will definitely continue to play in the future as long as DV Lottery exists but I am afraid that my American Dream is dead. Gods of Fortune are not on my side obviously. I have done everything right in my life, everything that was in my power. But to achieve a complete success, happiness or zen (whatever you call it) - the one needs to have that benevolent spirit to accompany him or her throughout life (some call it 'mojo') and I miss that so much! I miss mojo! I have never had it :(

Anyway, congrats to all the winners this year and best of luck to all of us others next year!

P.S. Since there is no official info on total number of selectees this year (so far), and the number of people who have reported they won on various forums seems quite low to me, I still hope for some mini-miracle to happen and that maybe additional number of selectees for DV2017 will be revealed subsequently. Am I a dreamer?

I yearn for such a miracle