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2013 DV Australian winners

The medical one can just be any sized passport photo. They are really for getting the blood test and X-Ray to prove you haven't swapped with someone on the way.

I went with proper US ones for the interview. They use these to print your visa. I did get one set done and refused to use them because they were hideous. Taking them yourself is safer for pure vanity reasons ;)

Thanks CBP1980 for the POE info... i was very interested to read that...

Bella8188 - I used the American ones at my medical this morning - no probs. 1 goes with your form to the consulate, 1 to the blood test people and 1 to the chest xray people so those 2 it wouldnt matter but the other one who knows - better to be safe was out logic and just use usa ones.

We had them done at one of the places on the recommended list from the consulate also to be on the safe side.

Thanks for the photo info! Might go with Aus sized passport photos for the doctor since they're a lot cheaper to do myself, and super easy.

I would like to take my own for the interview, but think I'd be a little too nervous that it might not be perfect. Not looking forward to shelling out $25 for only two photos, but if I must, then I must.

Jessjames, I've never had a breast check either, so I'm a little nervous about that too. I have my medical check scheduled for next Wednesday, so hopefully it will be quick and easy.

The only thing I'm not sure of is if I've had an immunisation for the chicken pox - and I never had it as a child. Would I definitely have to have them check my blood and come back to get it, or could I just ask them to do it anyway while I'm there?
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Does anyone know if outstanding traffic infringements can be an issue with the police check?

A while back I had a warrant issued as I fell behind in payments. No arrest, but I am still paying them off.

I am getting conflicting information.
Do you need to meet the high school education requirements? Can you bypass this if you have attained a University degree?
Do you need to meet the high school education requirements? Can you bypass this if you have attained a University degree?

The only case I have heard of an Australian being rejected was for not having year 12 finished. He had a trade diploma of some kind.

On the other hand, I have heard of someone submitting advance degrees in place of proof of year 12 completion.
Jessjames, I've never had a breast check either, so I'm a little nervous about that too. I have my medical check scheduled for next Wednesday, so hopefully it will be quick and easy.

Oh so soon! Where's your medical booked at? Let me know how scary it is haha. Mine's still a few weeks away..

The only thing I'm not sure of is if I've had an immunisation for the chicken pox - and I never had it as a child. Would I definitely have to have them check my blood and come back to get it, or could I just ask them to do it anyway while I'm there?

I'm sure they'll just give you the immunization anyways, if you've never had chicken pox before. I don't know if I got an immunization.... probably not if I had the chicken pox when I was little? :S
I didn't have the chicken pox as a kid so the doctor did a blood test to check to see if i had any immunity from childhood vaccinations and the results came back that i don't so i need to go back and have that vaccination now.

My husband had it as a kid so didn't need the shot for it.

Don't be nervous, they are doctors and it is pretty routine stuff and nothing at all to worry about.

They are giving 3 shots:

1. - Tetanus / Whooping Cough (unless you can show proof that you have had this in the last 10 years)
2. - MMR - Measles Mumps Rubella
3. - Chicken Pox

Chest Xray is for TB & Blood Test is for Syphilis.
They are giving 3 shots:

1. - Tetanus / Whooping Cough (unless you can show proof that you have had this in the last 10 years)
2. - MMR - Measles Mumps Rubella
3. - Chicken Pox

Chest Xray is for TB & Blood Test is for Syphilis.

I went to Thailand in 2008 and I'm fairly sure I got the tetanus/whooping cough one, and maybe the MMR one... Although I have no idea how to prove either.
I'm booked in at Sydney. I was surprised too, when they were able to get me in so soon; but I'm really grateful since I might have my medical stuff ready by my interview. The sooner I can get my passport back, the better.
I went to Thailand in 2008 and I'm fairly sure I got the tetanus/whooping cough one, and maybe the MMR one... Although I have no idea how to prove either.

Tetanus and whooping cough, known as pertussis, are two different things entirely.

Getting sick with pertussis "whooping cough" or getting pertussis vaccines doesn't provide lifelong protection, which means you can still get pertussis later on in life and pass it on. Having tetanus does not usually generate immunity to the disease either, so you'll require a vaccination for that too if you're not up-to-date.

As far as Measles, Mumps and the Rubella virus (MMR) are concerned, you would know you had been unfortunate enough to be infected a few years ago by any of the aforementioned because plainly put you'd never forget it, which means you probably were not. At some point you should have had your MMR vaccination when you were a child. If you didn't get your MMR “booster shot” when you were at school, it'll need to be renewed.

List of USCIS vaccines and medical requirements here.

Ask your local GP for a record perhaps?
I went to Thailand in 2008 and I'm fairly sure I got the tetanus/whooping cough one, and maybe the MMR one... Although I have no idea how to prove either.

That was likely the ADT - Adult Diphtheria Tetanus shot. I'd be surprised if it was the full-on TDaP shot with Pertussis. It's what we got for Africa, along with Hep A and Typhoid. They'll likely want some proof. Where did you get your shots for that trip? Doc? or Travel Clinic? If the latter, they should have given you a little yellow booklet that keeps track of all your shots. I gave the Panel Doc our booklets and it was valid proof.

Chicken pox was a bit more casual, they just wanted to know what year we had it. I had to call my mum for that info.
That was likely the ADT - Adult Diphtheria Tetanus shot. I'd be surprised if it was the full-on TDaP shot with Pertussis. It's what we got for Africa, along with Hep A and Typhoid. They'll likely want some proof. Where did you get your shots for that trip? Doc? or Travel Clinic? If the latter, they should have given you a little yellow booklet that keeps track of all your shots. I gave the Panel Doc our booklets and it was valid proof.

Chicken pox was a bit more casual, they just wanted to know what year we had it. I had to call my mum for that info.

I'm fairly sure I had them done at a doc, but I don't remember who or where. My mum told me to sign up to Medicare online or something and apparently you can find your medical history? But the sign-up process isn't simple. So still trying haha.

Oh so no proof needed for chicken pox? I know I was in preschool, whatever year that was.. Cause Santa came to visit and the teachers wouldn't let me go see him because I had the chicken pox... Traumatized.. Haha.
Arrival at P.O.E/Affidavit of support

I have been to my interview and been given the all clear for my green card. What exactly do we have to bring on arrival to the US? Are we required to have an affidavit of support? All I have is the temporary visa in my passport, the DO NOT OPEN package and my chest x-rays.

Anyone here care to share their first arrival experiences?

Also, I'm assuming it's okay to travel on a one-way ticket when you first arrive to the US...? (perhaps a stupid question)

Alright, about to head off to have my medical check done today!

I just realised yesterday that I was supposed to confirm 48 hours prior to the appointment - I rang yesterday afternoon, and that was all fine. Phew!

With my embassy appointment at the end of March, I really hope the medical check goes smoothly and I have the paperwork back for the interview, as the sooner I know I get approved, the sooner I can get my flights to the US booked - am hoping to fly over at the start of May.
Medical check was super easy. It took less than half an hour with Dr Waks, who was so friendly the whole time, then over to another room for the blood draw. From there I had to walk to the Xray place, which was a few streets away, got that done in less than 15 minutes, dropped back by the medical clinic, and was back on the train headed home in less than two hours.

Now to spend the next five weeks ensuring I have all my paperwork correct for my interview!
Medical check was super easy. It took less than half an hour with Dr Waks, who was so friendly the whole time, then over to another room for the blood draw. From there I had to walk to the Xray place, which was a few streets away, got that done in less than 15 minutes, dropped back by the medical clinic, and was back on the train headed home in less than two hours.

Now to spend the next five weeks ensuring I have all my paperwork correct for my interview!

Ah was just coming on to ask you how it went! But you already posted about it!

So how was the whole getting naked thing and everything? Haha.
Medical check was super easy. It took less than half an hour with Dr Waks, who was so friendly the whole time, then over to another room for the blood draw. From there I had to walk to the Xray place, which was a few streets away, got that done in less than 15 minutes, dropped back by the medical clinic, and was back on the train headed home in less than two hours.

Now to spend the next five weeks ensuring I have all my paperwork correct for my interview!

Good luck for your interview! Mine's only two weeks away now - :eek: How time has flown. It took forever to get current, now it's right around the corner. Hopefully the interview will be as easy as the medical. Mine was no big deal either, almost too easy.
Ah was just coming on to ask you how it went! But you already posted about it!

So how was the whole getting naked thing and everything? Haha.

No getting naked at all! Well, not in front of the doctor. I did have to remove my shirt, bra and necklace for the chest xray, but in a changing room, and put on a blue gown thing over it. And it lasted all of three minutes, so it was fine.

Vichel, good luck for your interview! Hope it all works out well, let us know how it goes.

When is everyone hoping to leave for the States permanently?
Good luck Vichel ! I've been following your posts on here for such a long time, can't believe the interview is here :) To Bella, Jess and all the other Aussies, it won't be long before you're all Stateside too - good luck!
