• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

2013 DV Australian winners

So I've got my interview on the 30th of April - 11am. Trying to book flights now, but I'm not sure if I should go down the day/afternoon before, or fly down ON the day and arrive 7.40am. I'm leaning towards flying down the morning of, then flying back that afternoon... But I'm not sure. Am I better off coming down the day before? I've had an interview/appointment at the embassy before - for a B1/B2 visa - but that interview was at 8am so we flew down the day before.. But 11am, I should be right getting to Sydney airport at 7.40am? And make it to the consulate?? Yeah? *stressing again!* haha.
My thoughts on this Jess considering how important this interview is, is not to risk anything going wrong. If there is any delay in your flight, or getting to the consulate before the interview without stressing you, then is it worth the risk going the same morning as your interview? I understand that logistically this is a matter of other things like perhaps finance etc, but you have been waiting such a long time to get to this point, perhaps taking unnecessary stress from it by being there the night before is a good thing.

This one interview is pretty major in your next life choices :) Go the night before, de-stress, get there early, relaxed and fresh to have the best interview you can have. This is not a B1/B2, this is for you Green Card :)

Warm wishes

My thoughts on this Jess considering how important this interview is, is not to risk anything going wrong. If there is any delay in your flight, or getting to the consulate before the interview without stressing you, then is it worth the risk going the same morning as your interview? I understand that logistically this is a matter of other things like perhaps finance etc, but you have been waiting such a long time to get to this point, perhaps taking unnecessary stress from it by being there the night before is a good thing.

This one interview is pretty major in your next life choices :) Go the night before, de-stress, get there early, relaxed and fresh to have the best interview you can have. This is not a B1/B2, this is for you Green Card :)

Warm wishes


Good thinking, I didn't think about any major delays.. I don't need anymore stress, you're right! As mine is family based my mum has her interview same time as I do - but her and my step-dad & brother were going to go down for the week as her uni is there. I've got too many other things on to be able to go for the week, but I'm sure I'll be able to stay wherever they're staying the night before... Flights are a bit more expensive the day before as well but it must be done!
I look forward to seeing the post about your successful interview in just a few weeks time Jess :)

Thanks for writing about your POE experience, Iamsuzyn! Good to hear because we'll be doing the same - driving across, although at the BC/WA border crossing. You must have come down from Calgary? We know about the compliance letter for our car, although it's great you mentioned that, for those who don't know. We actually bought our car in the US in 2011, imported it to Canada 5 months later, and will be bringing it home ;) Back and forth!

We also did our interview in Montreal, in March. Planning to move to the US early May. All the best!

Thanks same to you Vichel! Yes I came down through Calgary. Had my interview in October in Montreal, and headed down in March. Where are you planning on settling?
So I've got my interview on the 30th of April - 11am. Trying to book flights now, but I'm not sure if I should go down the day/afternoon before, or fly down ON the day and arrive 7.40am. I'm leaning towards flying down the morning of, then flying back that afternoon... But I'm not sure. Am I better off coming down the day before? I've had an interview/appointment at the embassy before - for a B1/B2 visa - but that interview was at 8am so we flew down the day before.. But 11am, I should be right getting to Sydney airport at 7.40am? And make it to the consulate?? Yeah? *stressing again!* haha.

I'm with Qewty on this, 100%. Cutting it too close there, imo. This is a very important process, that involves your future life, not just a holiday, so leave the day before definitely. Especially if you're going with Jetstar. My only 3 experiences with them, all three had delays of 4 to 6 hours. Qantas was always way more reliable but even they can experience delays, if not due to some mechanical issue, the weather can go against you.

Go the day before and relax. All the best to you!
Thanks same to you Vichel! Yes I came down through Calgary. Had my interview in October in Montreal, and headed down in March. Where are you planning on settling?

SW Florida for now. Cheap real estate, warm weather. Hopefully no hurricanes!
I'm with Qewty on this, 100%. Cutting it too close there, imo. This is a very important process, that involves your future life, not just a holiday, so leave the day before definitely. Especially if you're going with Jetstar. My only 3 experiences with them, all three had delays of 4 to 6 hours. Qantas was always way more reliable but even they can experience delays, if not due to some mechanical issue, the weather can go against you.

Go the day before and relax. All the best to you!

Flights are booked for the afternoon/night before :) now we wait!
I'm with Qewty on this, 100%. Cutting it too close there, imo. This is a very important process, that involves your future life, not just a holiday, so leave the day before definitely. Especially if you're going with Jetstar. My only 3 experiences with them, all three had delays of 4 to 6 hours. Qantas was always way more reliable but even they can experience delays, if not due to some mechanical issue, the weather can go against you.

Go the day before and relax. All the best to you!

I see you've already booked Jess, but I'm joining in the emphasis for any Aussies who have to fly to Syd/Melb/Perth for interviews. Definitely go the day before. I attempted a same day fly down/back for an E3 visa. Booked first flight of the day, got to Brisbane airport, and the flight was cancelled. Had to make an emergency booking on Qantas for almost $400 to get me there on time. Further drama occurred with return flight due to Virgin incompetence. Not worth the stress at all, and staying in a cheap hotel/hostel is a lot less expensive than last minute flight costs.

Looking forward to hearing your interview story as well, Jess! Good luck :)
How was your E3 experience Nicole? If the lottery keeps being a negative for us we may consider that down the line (one Hubby gets his citizenship)

Qewty, The E3 visa is fantastic. I was lucky with my first job that the person hiring me was an Aussie, and the company was used to hiring international people, so they weren't fazed by the visa sponsorship. The entire process was extremely simple, though the company did pay a lawyer to prepare all of the documents. The interview was very quick and easy, and I stressed and worried for nothing. I've had 2 E3 visas, the first I interviewed for in Calgary, since I'd already "moved" to New York to do the job hunting, and didn't want to fly all the way back here just for a couple of days. The second visa I applied for in Sydney, since I'd come home for Christmas. I found that between the two consulates, the whole process was very similar. With all the time sitting around waiting for my interview, I did a lot of eavesdropping, and noticed people from other countries/applying for other visas were grilled a lot more than I was. But I'm sure that's just because every situation is unique, and mine was well documented and very straightforward.

The only thing I don't like about the E3 is the restrictions - you're not meant to have an intent to immigrate, and if you want to change jobs, you have to convince the new employer to sponsor your visa. It's a challenge, which is why the GC is so appealing. Total freedom to work anywhere.

My plans are to go back next year and get sponsored for an E3. If I win DV, then even better.
My interview is in one week and the nerves are definitely setting in!
Flying down to Sydney on the Monday and interview is 8am Tuesday! Wow!
I have all my documents ready (hardly any seeing as I've never been married/divorced, have no children, no court or prison records etc).

This will be a very slow week, I think!
I've been thinking about the questions they might ask me and what ill answer! I'm quite tunnel-vision for this visa right now, so much time and money and nerves have been poured into this, I can't believe ill have my answer soon! Ahh!

EDIT: Have just realised that I am meant to have received my medical results and have to take them with me to the interview.. (For some reason I thought it was forwarded there). People mention sealed packages but all I've received is (from what I can remember, I'm at work so I don't have it here), I think a single sheet of paper saying that I'm healthy basically. Is this it or do I need to be making some very urgent phone calls??

EDIT 2: When I have my interview, I see on my forms that ill have to list a address for the GC to be sent to (should I be successful!), what have you guys done for this? I've seen many people use those post boxes you pay for? I have a friend in LA I could have it sent to, or should I just buy a post box thing? Really appreciate any advice, thanks!
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My interview is in one week and the nerves are definitely setting in!
Flying down to Sydney on the Monday and interview is 8am Tuesday! Wow!
I have all my documents ready (hardly any seeing as I've never been married/divorced, have no children, no court or prison records etc).

This will be a very slow week, I think! !

I've been thinking about the questions they might ask me and what ill answer! I'm quite tunnel-vision for this visa right now, so much time and money and nerves have been poured into this, I can't believe ill have my answer soon! Ahh!

Yeah, I can sympathise with the jangled nerves situation. I remember feeling exactly like that. Even though I, and others, can tell you to not worry so much, you will anyway. I did :D It's normal. Like you said, a lot of time, effort and money has gone into pursuing this visa. It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance, so you worry about whether you've prepared enough even though you've probably gone over everything obsessively.

As to what questions they'll ask, from reading of other peoples' experiences, it seems there's not really a stock standard set of questions. It varies. One of my questions was "How long have you lived in Canada?", which I wasn't expecting as I didn't see the point of it. I remember answering "Which time?" because I had lived in Canada earlier before returning to Oz. The CP giggled at my reply and clarified "In total". I recall someone on this forum being asked why they wanted to live in the US. I didn't get asked that. At the interview, just try to relax as much as you can as they're not out to trick you. At the end of my interview, it really did feel like the whole thing was just a formality. The way you fail is by not having one of the qualifications - HS or work experience - and not having a clean bill of health and character. Other than that, there's not much else to trip over.

EDIT: Have just realised that I am meant to have received my medical results and have to take them with me to the interview.. (For some reason I thought it was forwarded there). People mention sealed packages but all I've received is (from what I can remember, I'm at work so I don't have it here), I think a single sheet of paper saying that I'm healthy basically. Is this it or do I need to be making some very urgent phone calls??

We had to pick our medical results up from the doctor and it consisted of some sealed envelopes, not just a single sheet of paper, but we're in Canada so it might be different than Oz.

EDIT 2: When I have my interview, I see on my forms that ill have to list a address for the GC to be sent to (should I be successful!), what have you guys done for this? I've seen many people use those post boxes you pay for? I have a friend in LA I could have it sent to, or should I just buy a post box thing? Really appreciate any advice, thanks!

We used an address of a friend in San Diego. I thought you couldn't use a PO Box for that, but I could be wrong. Hopefully others will reply.

All the best, mushy!!!
Mushy, for the medical forms in Sydney - I didn't need them. I was sent a copy of my medical check, but that was for my keeping, as another copy was forwarded onto the Embassy. So no, you do not need to worry about that!

The sealed package that people have been talking about is your medical records that the embassy sends to you after your interview. You will receive them sealed, so that they can't be tampered with before entry into the US.

And for the address, I used my fiancee's address. I'd recommend using your friend's address, as long as they're not planning any long holidays or anything, and as long as you trust them! I honestly don't know anything about using PO boxes for it.

Only ten days til I fly out to the US, I am so excited!! So much to do beforehand - trying to sell a lot of my belongings, as well as complete four uni assignments, a few more shifts at work, and pack. Definitely think I will end up sleeping on the flight.
So excited for you Bella; such an amazing adventure :) I hope you have an incredible experience as you enter the US with your GC :)

Right now I am waiting to see what May 1 brings. It seems a very real possibility that DV 2014 will be the last lottery. At least as Australians we still have the E3 but regardless, the introduction of the new Bill, if indeed it happens, will certainly change the dreams of many.

Sorry, my heart is a little heavy today, so I popped on here to read the 'happy' news of the winners to cheer myself up :)

Once I finish my uni degree I'll be off to LA as well for film/TV stuff. Not sure exactly what yet, but I know it's something I want to be a part of. Yeah, same thoughts on LA. Not the greatest place in the world, but that's where the film industry is, gotta follow the work!

I work in the technical side of the film/TV/Media industry, so LA is really the place to be for that.

Haha, I'm also pursuing work in the film industry!
Thank you SO much Vichel and Bella! I'm definitely feeling a bit calmer now, thank you!

I saw that thread too Qewty and instantly thought of you. Prayers that this is your year. Sending lots of positive thoughts to you now and on May 1st!
I am finally entering the USA tomorrow. POE is going to Honolulu. Cheapest flights.

Feels strange that it is real now.

I have my brown envelope and my passport, but for some reason I feel like I am missing something. Just the jitters I think

I will update how it all went when I am through
Yay Dafang! That's so exciting! I'm incredibly happy for you!
Have your X Ray to take through POE? And paid your USCIS (or whatever its called) fee? That's all I can think of you could be forgetting, GC-wise at least!