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2011 DV Lottery Winners from Australia Report Here!

Ok, I just called KCC for the first time - and I was told that they are still processing my documents, and if I haven't heard via mail Oct 15th to call back. This seems pretty extreme as I got my forms back to KCC Mid June, and my CN is low? I guess I just have to keep stalking the post box a little longer....

Anyone else have any news?
Hi Beech,
Did they say your forms are acceptable for the continuation of ur visa processing or they just said the forms are still being processed? I sent the forms in june 24 and they said they are acceptable. They are probably processing region by region?

they told me on the phone they are still being processed - but I have an email saying that my forms are acceptable for the continuation....
I am not sure whether people are aware of this but here goes....

An aspect that not mentioned untill you get to the interview is the matter of Selective Service. At the interview, after you get the great news that your visa is approved, they shove a few pieces of paper under your nose and say "please sign this". I guess most people are so excited that the visa has been approved that they would sign anything without asking what it is they are signing.

This is VERY important though, if you are male, aged 18 to 25.
Essentially it means you agree to register with the Selective Service System so that you can be drafted into the US armed forces if they choose to do so.

Another trivial fact that is hardly mentioned is that if you fail to register within 30 days of becoming a legal permanent resident you become ineligible for US citizenship (forever).

Be warned!!
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So they sign you up for SSS then and there? Sweet, here I thought I would have to remember to do it online once I got my SSN. One less thing to worry about.
So they sign you up for SSS then and there? Sweet, here I thought I would have to remember to do it online once I got my SSN. One less thing to worry about.
Sorry Coen, they don't sign you up. You still have to do it yourself.
At the interview they give you a declaration to sign. By signing it you undertake to register with SSS within 30 days of becomeing a legal permanent resident. I suspect it means that if you dont register and then apply for citizenship sometime in the future, they can easily decline your citizenship application because you cannot claim that you did not know about this requirement.
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Ah okay thanks for clearing that up. As you can probably tell, I was already aware of the SSS obligations. I plan to head back to college after 12 months (qualification period for SC in state tuition) and a requirement is they check your SSS status. That's the only reason I knew otherwise it would have been a surprise for me on the interview day. It's not just legal residents they want to sign up for it, they even want illegals to hand over their contact details too from what I could tell from the SSS website when I was researching a few months back.
Interesting. I'm currently 25 but don't intend to move over there until after my next birthday. Will I still have to register?
SSS interesting, sign up for US residence you could end up in Iraq?

There is also the prospect of double taxation whenever you're working outside the US.

The possibility of losing your GC after 6 months absence.

The inability of technically holding dual citizenship?, if that is something you aspire to.

Also the prospect of being deported for what seems some of the most ridiculous reasons; even being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The never ending suspicion and grilling every time you re-enter the US from abroad.

Don't get me wrong i am still keen on this opportunity, but i have come across so many horror stories about this stuff there definitely seems to be some down sides.

I hope this doesn't come across to negative, don't want to spoil the fun for anyone, but you should definitely know this stuff before going in.
Interesting. I'm currently 25 but don't intend to move over there until after my next birthday. Will I still have to register?
As far as I understand it you don't have to register if entering the USA for the first time as a permanent resident at the age of 26 or older. Since you will never register with SSS you need to request a Status information letter from SSS that will explain why you did not register and that it is okay, because you were not required to register. You must attach this Status information letter to your Citizenship application.

I hope this helps.
SSS interesting, sign up for US residence you could end up in Iraq?
Theoretically, it could happen. There is a documented case of a British bloke who was drafted only 10 days after arriving in the USA! Imagine that.... arriving in your new home-country all excited and ready to explore ........ and then get shipped off to Vietnam (I think that is where he was sent) within 10 days!

Practically, this is very unlikely to happen though as the last draft was in the 1970's.

Here is a good read on Wikipedia about the SSS.
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Wood you be able to scan in a copy your 2nd NL (blank out the personal stuff) for the rest of us when you get it please?
hello every one! please anyone post a format of the sponsor letter.i mean not the I-134.but the letter context and all
I feel the same, Beech.
I am planning to send them an e mail today and hope to hear their response in the coming couple of days. Good luck for all of us.
Let us know what they say.... I really expected to be interviewed in October... being that I am in the 200's.

I feel the same, Beech.
I am planning to send them an e mail today and hope to hear their response in the coming couple of days. Good luck for all of us.