2011 April N-400 Tracker

Me and spouse received our passports and certificates today obvious in different envelops BUT didn't receive for kids, ten days only non-expedited!. But we didn't receive our original birth certificates also sent with the applications. I was hoping to get all originals in the same package. Does anyone has this experience? Thanks in advance.
We received our Passports in the mail today. Haven't got the naturalization certificates as yet. May be monday.
Together with other supporting documents for my kids passports we received the Green Cards back! What are we supposed to do with them? I had the impression that the State Department keeps them after issuing the Passports as evidence. Thanks.
Interview Experience

First of all thank you so much to this forum and special thanks to wantmygcnow, shefe, everyone else who helped me. This forum helped me through out the whole process and I will always remember this

I had my interview on August 29th at 9AM in baltimore office. I got there around 8:30AM, handed over my appointment letter and waited for 30minutes. Got called in at 9AM by a very nice female officer. She took me to her office and had me take the oath. Next thing she asked me was to put my green card, photo ID and passport on the table. She started asking me line by line questions from my N400 application. Half way done with it she started asking me interview test questions and asked following

1. What did declaration of independence do?
2. Name one form of Govt?
3. 4 5 6 I dont remember em all sorry

Asked me to read "What month is Columbus day in?"

Asked me to write "Columbus day is in October"

Then she resumed with questions on my N400 application, asked me about my travels outside US. I had 2 trips totaling approx 70 days. She also asked me the purpose of my trips which were family visits. At the end of it she told me everything is in order and she is recommending me for approval. Then she asked me if I will be willing to take the oath today at 3pm which I replied to SURE. She congratulated me and gave me my oath letter. I went in at 3pm and took the oath. I am proud American citizen now. The whole interview process took 10 minutes.

Good luck to everyone and once again thank you so much
Here is my interview experience. I had my naturalization interview this morning at 7:45 AM in LA. Reached the place around 7:20, it took 25 minutes to go through security & to room 2050. Gave my letter at the counter @ 7:45 and was asked to take a seat. I was called in at 8:10. The IO was nice but to the point and did not make any small talk. First I was asked to take the oath, then she asked me for my DL, GC & Passports. We started with the Civics test.

Civics Test
Q1. What is the name of the national anthem?
Q2. What is the voting age for presidential elections?
Q3. What it the "rule of the law" ?
Q4. What Ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?
Q5. What do the 13 stripes on the US flag represent?
Q6. What event happened on 9/11?

English Test

Read "Where is Washington D.C?"
Write " The capital of United States is Washington D.C."

She did not ask me for any other documents, she went through the N-400 pretty much line by line. She asked if I worked & paid my taxes. She checked my visits in & out of the country very intently although none of them were more than 1 month in duration. I had 12 trips in the last 5 years. She did not ask me any questions about them, it took a few minutes which I spent starting out of the window ;-)

The process was straight forward. It took around 10-15 minutes, she gave me the form N-652 with approval & told me it will take up to 90 days to get the letter for the oath ceremony, but it will probably be quicker. Then she photocopied all the pages from my current & expired passport, my DL & GC & wished me good luck :)
She did not ask me to sign the photographs.

Caveat for USCIS offices is that cameras are not allowed. I went here on the way to work & had my laptop,cellphone & kindle with me & forgot I always have a small camera in my bag (Doh!), but the security did not remove it.

Now to wait for the letter for the Oath ceremony.
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Did my interview this week, having rescheduled it from the previously scheduled date of 7/13. I was checked in and waiting until about 20min after the scheduled time before being called in from the waiting room. I would describe the IO as businesslike although on the friendly side of businesslike. After being put under oath, I was asked my full name, date of birth, mailing address, and phone number. She went through the questions on the form, asking me to verify most of them. She specifically asked about traffic tickets (of which I've had a few) and about restraining orders (I have one against me). She asked whether I'd been abiding by the restraining order, but she didn't ask for any documentation on either the tickets or the restraining order.

I was then asked to write a simple English sentence and answer the civics questions. These included:

1. Name of the chief justice.
2. Number of voting members of the House of Representatives.
3. Month we vote for President.
4. Any war fought by the US in 1900's.
5./6. Two others I can't recall.

I was then asked to sign both of the passport photos I'd provided and sign the N400 form again with my full signature including full middle name.

I was then given my N652 and oath letter with the oath date being in about 2 weeks. And that was pretty much it! Fairly simple process but certainly the endgame of a very long journey. :cool:
Congratulations !!!

Can you clear me, about --> sign both of the passport photos I'd provided

Only sing on back or front of each photo with pencil or pen ?

Thank you in advance.,

Only sing on back or front of each photo with pencil or pen ?

On the front w/pen. Presumably by this point they already had a digitized image and the signature is just for their records. I don't think they always ask this (although I've heard of it before) so I wouldn't recommend signing the front of the photos unless/until they ask.

I've also heard of people being asked to sign in pencil so I brought both a pencil and a pen to the interview in case the IO wasn't properly equipped.

Also signing (and spelling :cool: ) is the order of the day at the interview. But you may be asked to sing (the Star Spangled Banner) at the oath ceremony :cool: .
So for all of us going to the oath ceremony during the week of Sept 16th 2011, right after the oath ceremony when we receive our naturalization certificate, what is the next thing to do right away ??

Please clear me and advise me as following questions.

I got interview on 10/17/2011 for me and my wife same time , I hope we can get same day oath.

Main information how i can apply the passport for me , wife , and my kids one @ 17 and another @ 12 years.

1) can fill the all 4 passport applications and submit local post office on same day ?
2) Iam not clear expedited or non-expedite application ? if there any benefits differences and fee difference ?
3) Is it possible to apply the kids same day?
4) In DS 11 Passport application column 19 : Travel Plans -> Date of trip , Present I did not have any plans to travel , can filled some date ?
5) In passport form , column 18: Emergency Contact -> My relatives are in India, can i give those names or give the friends info who are in US?

Please help me out, In this i would greatly appreciated it.

thanks in advance.,
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Please clear me and advise me as following question.

I got interview on 10/17/2011 for me and my wife same time , I hope we can get same day oath.

Main information how i can apply the passport for me , wife , and my kids one @ 17 and another @ 12 years.

1) can fill the all 4 passport applications and submit local post office on same day ?
2) Iam not clear expedited or non-expedite application ? if there any benefits differences and fee difference ?
3) Is it possible to apply the kids same day?
4) In DS 11 Passport application column 19 : Travel Plans -> Date of trip , Present I did not have any plans to travel , can filled some date ?
5) In passport form , column 18: Emergency Contact -> My relatives are in India, can i give those names or give the friends info who are in US?

Please help me out, In this i would greatly appreciated it.

thanks in advance.,
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Great to see a lot good things have happened to almost all of Aprils.
Let me to try to help with your questions:
1.Yes you will need to fill all the passport applications and submit to the local Post office or other County Centers that process the passports. Point to remember, bring birth certificates for the kids to show you are the parents and Green Cards too. Both you and wife and kids MUST be present at application.
2. Honestly if you are not planning to travel in the next few weeks just do the regular/ordinary application. Our passports came in less than 15 days as you can see my timelines but less about $60 for every application to expedite.
3. You apply for kids the same day you get naturalized provided they are available for they must be present.
4. For travel plans you dont have to put any, in my case i wasnt sure if I would travel so we left that portion blank.
5.For emergency contacts you give whichever one you want but it would make more sense to give a US phone number so in case something happens they can reach your contacts. In my case I actually gave my wifes contacts and in turn she gave mine.
I hope I have been of some help and good luck!


Please clear me and advise me as following question.

I got interview on 10/17/2011 for me and my wife same time , I hope we can get same day oath.

Main information how i can apply the passport for me , wife , and my kids one @ 17 and another @ 12 years.

1) can fill the all 4 passport applications and submit local post office on same day ?
2) Iam not clear expedited or non-expedite application ? if there any benefits differences and fee difference ?
3) Is it possible to apply the kids same day?
4) In DS 11 Passport application column 19 : Travel Plans -> Date of trip , Present I did not have any plans to travel , can filled some date ?
5) In passport form , column 18: Emergency Contact -> My relatives are in India, can i give those names or give the friends info who are in US?

Please help me out, In this i would greatly appreciated it.

thanks in advance.,
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Great to see a lot good things have happened to almost all of Aprils.
Let me to try to help with your questions:
1.Yes you will need to fill all the passport applications and submit to the local Post office or other County Centers that process the passports. Point to remember, bring birth certificates for the kids to show you are the parents and Green Cards too. Both you and wife and kids MUST be present at application.
2. Honestly if you are not planning to travel in the next few weeks just do the regular/ordinary application. Our passports came in less than 15 days as you can see my timelines but less about $60 for every application to expedite.
3. You apply for kids the same day you get naturalized provided they are available for they must be present.
4. For travel plans you dont have to put any, in my case i wasnt sure if I would travel so we left that portion blank.
5.For emergency contacts you give whichever one you want but it would make more sense to give a US phone number so in case something happens they can reach your contacts. In my case I actually gave my wifes contacts and in turn she gave mine.
I hope I have been of some help and good luck!

Hi kahuni98.,

It was nice to see your advise, Here Iam very much thankful to.
This information more helpful and useful to not only me and all other members who are looking information for kids.

If you do not mind, please i have few questions about as follows, I guess , this is right time to ask you.

1) I can apply DS11 - 4 applications(me , wife, 2 kids) in post office based on regular basis.
2) What about N-600 (kids Naturalization certificates) how iam going to proceed ? ple advise
3) Is it possible update the SSN for 4 of us on same day after oath i mean. I need kids presence while in SSN office ?

Thanks once again.

Well lets see;
1. Yes if you are fine with around two weeks wait though when you do the application they will tell you its taking four to six weeks.
2. I am not familiar because so far I haven't done it for my kids, I guess I will give it some time since they have the passports now. But from what I have seen in this forum and in the USCIS application form its a straight forward process, just do the application form and send the recquired documents and fee.
3. You can do the updates at SSA same day so long as you have the certificates and the kids are not recquired to be present just the documents.
I would do these three steps in this order; First after naturalization go the social security office and do the updates, Secondly go do the application for the passports and when you receive the original documents back[including kids Green Cards] and passports you can finally send the N-600 applications.
Hope it helps.

Hi kahuni98.,

It was nice to see your advise, Here Iam very much thankful to.
This information more helpful and useful to not only me and all other members who are looking information for kids.

If you do not mind, please i have few questions about as follows, I guess , this is right time to ask you.

1) I can apply DS11 - 4 applications(me , wife, 2 kids) in post office based on regular basis.
2) What about N-600 (kids Naturalization certificates) how iam going to proceed ? ple advise
3) Is it possible update the SSN for 4 of us on same day after oath i mean. I need kids presence while in SSN office ?

Thanks once again.

Well lets see;
1. Yes if you are fine with around two weeks wait though when you do the application they will tell you its taking four to six weeks.
2. I am not familiar because so far I haven't done it for my kids, I guess I will give it some time since they have the passports now. But from what I have seen in this forum and in the USCIS application form its a straight forward process, just do the application form and send the recquired documents and fee.
3. You can do the updates at SSA same day so long as you have the certificates and the kids are not recquired to be present just the documents.
I would do these three steps in this order; First after naturalization go the social security office and do the updates, Secondly go do the application for the passports and when you receive the original documents back[including kids Green Cards] and passports you can finally send the N-600 applications.
Hope it helps.


Thank you much for your help and your time.
I hope i got most of the information of kid's citizen ship works.
I should share with you once i finishes my interview(10/17/2011 @ Newark 9:20 am)

Appreciated it !!!
