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I think like everyone that checks this forum daily, I am trying to make sense from previous years to predict this year, I came across something that looked quite wrong, I was hoping someone might know the answer to it,

for the OC region (DV 2007) there were 1398 winners, in June the OC region was current at 1100, and in July the number jumped to 1800.

so the question here is, how the heck did could the current number in July be 1800 when there is only 1398 winners?:mad:

thanks for your help :)

I think like everyone that checks this forum daily, I am trying to make sense from previous years to predict this year, I came across something that looked quite wrong, I was hoping someone might know the answer to it,

for the OC region (DV 2007) there were 1398 winners, in June the OC region was current at 1100, and in July the number jumped to 1800.

so the question here is, how the heck did could the current number in July be 1800 when there is only 1398 winners?:mad:

thanks for your help :)

The simple answer is that of the 1800 people that won, for what ever reason only 1398 people were either eligible or bothered to peruse the lottery. Remember the lead time from Appling for the DV and actually getting the visa can be quite long and people may decide that moving to the US is not for them. People on this forum are probably very likely to follow through on these DV visas, else why else would they bother logging on and checking others DV information. However we don’t get to here from people that don’t bother to pursue there visas, as if they are not interested in pursuing why would they bother reading and posting on a forum like this? Anyway trying to second guess the DV is quite difficult I think, some times the numbers just don’t add up if you ask me!
WOW thanks for your answer, now you put it like that, it does make sense, and to be quite honest that answer means I might sleep better at night :)
ubw117, if you think you cant sleep at night..think about me LOL..my number is OC 14xx...I probably have to wait till next June/July then :)

I think you will be fine comparing 08 to to 07, I am a little confused though, in your signature it says you recieved a letter on the 06/09/07 and sent payement back, what is that payment regarding, as I havent recieved any payment letters.


I think you will be fine comparing 08 to to 07, I am a little confused though, in your signature it says you recieved a letter on the 06/09/07 and sent payement back, what is that payment regarding, as I havent recieved any payment letters.


That poster is probably in the US an applying to have their status “adjusted” or AOS as you will see it referred to on this forum. It is a slightly different procedure to being interviewed at a consulate (consulate processing or CP) :)
ubw117...what alemitmee said is correct. I'm currently reside in the US though I'm an Australian, so it is indeed AOS not CP.
thanks for all your replied, this DV thing has been a real test to my character, I panic everytime I read something, it is really bad,

but seriously thanks to your replies :)