2001 I-485 case approved


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I would like to share my experience with those who have their case waiting for long time.

My I-485 was file November 2001. Got RFE in May 2003. Re-fingerprinting in October 2003. Asked congressman for help in March 2004 was told that my case was pending FBI name checking and I should get response in 45-60 days. After waiting two months with nothing I called congressman again. And this time, I was told that the case was still pending name checking. I called USCIS and got a responds with the same thing. I faxed FOIPA request to FBI and got "no record". I called FBI, faxed FBI and emailed FBI for name check inquery and got no response. Congressman wouldn't help on FBI name checking(mentioned the passed experience was not effective). Even through I didn't know how long was my name check pending(at least five monthes), I wrote an expedite request to William Hooton in early November. After 10 days I got an email response mentioned my name check was finished three days before and my wife's was finished in April 2003, which means that my name check was pending for more than one and a half years. After about two weeks I faxed an expedite request to USCIS and about 10 days later I faxed the request again. After 5 days of the second fax, I received the approval letters. My congressman wasn't willing to send expedite request to USCIS, but kept sending status check letters once every two months. The latest response to Congressman was my case has passed fingerprint checking and was in the queue for interview in the next 90 to 120 days.

It seems a lot of the long pending cases are caused by the FBI name checking. Also, it seems FBI won't respond fax or emai inquery if the case is pending for long time. Write to William Hooton should be the effective way, I have seen several cases worked in these forum. Once the name check is done, you can chase the USCIS. I am not sure if my expedite request or the congressman status check letters worked or it's just finally my time, I got the approval one month after the name check done.

My suggestion is don't be too panic but try to do whatever you can do. The system doesn't work so well but you still can push to let it run.

Best wishes to you all and have great holidays.
Xiha - Contact Info for William Hooton?

I am a Jan 02 case and it seems like my case has been stuck just like yours. My hearty congratulations to you. Could you pl post fax#, phone# etc for william Hooton?

Many Thanks,
Who is William Hooton

xiha said:
I would like to share my experience with those who have their case waiting for long time.

My I-485 was file November 2001. Got RFE in May 2003. Re-fingerprinting in October 2003. Asked congressman for help in March 2004 was told that my case was pending FBI name checking and I should get response in 45-60 days. After waiting two months with nothing I called congressman again. And this time, I was told that the case was still pending name checking. I called USCIS and got a responds with the same thing. I faxed FOIPA request to FBI and got "no record". I called FBI, faxed FBI and emailed FBI for name check inquery and got no response. Congressman wouldn't help on FBI name checking(mentioned the passed experience was not effective). Even through I didn't know how long was my name check pending(at least five monthes), I wrote an expedite request to William Hooton in early November. After 10 days I got an email response mentioned my name check was finished three days before and my wife's was finished in April 2003, which means that my name check was pending for more than one and a half years. After about two weeks I faxed an expedite request to USCIS and about 10 days later I faxed the request again. After 5 days of the second fax, I received the approval letters. My congressman wasn't willing to send expedite request to USCIS, but kept sending status check letters once every two months. The latest response to Congressman was my case has passed fingerprint checking and was in the queue for interview in the next 90 to 120 days.

It seems a lot of the long pending cases are caused by the FBI name checking. Also, it seems FBI won't respond fax or emai inquery if the case is pending for long time. Write to William Hooton should be the effective way, I have seen several cases worked in these forum. Once the name check is done, you can chase the USCIS. I am not sure if my expedite request or the congressman status check letters worked or it's just finally my time, I got the approval one month after the name check done.

My suggestion is don't be too panic but try to do whatever you can do. The system doesn't work so well but you still can push to let it run.

Best wishes to you all and have great holidays.

Could you please clarify who William Hooton is ? My e-mail to FBI for Name
Check hasn't met with any response in more than 2 months. Can you
plzz elaborate how you did an expedite request to William Hooton ?
Congratulations Xiha

Well my Name check is completed on Sep 1st 2004 and done with 3rd FP.
What else is left now?

Yesterday I called USCIS to expedite my case and, see what will be their reply?
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Congrats, xiha!

WE are at the same situation. would you please share your expedite request template? we sent the request once but was rejected.
who is hooton

Thank you for your greetings!

Mr. William Hooton is the boss of Mr. David Hardy. Mr. David Hardy is the head of FBI NNCP(National Name Check Program). NNCP is where your name checking is done. Please refer to Rahul Kumar's "My name check Experience":


BTW, you can search on this forum for the info you want, though it may not as smart as google.

Good luck!
congrats, My case was also stucked because of FBI name check. But after clearing it took 3 months to process my case. You need to really be behing them once you know your name check is cleared.

RD 485: Jan 24 2002
AD: 12/03/2004.
Expedite Request

Expedite request should be based on your own situation. Here is my understanding and what I did.

For name check, you should first send a FOIPA request. The "no record" result will give you the reason for the expedite request. If you do have a record in FBI, it will be another story. I described in detail of my case and what I have done, I enclosed the copies of all the letters from congressman and USCIS. I described what my family and I have suffered from the case. If your letter is convinced and moving enough to let them tough your case again you get what you want. In most cases they can finish quickly. Some cases are just pending there for no reason and will keep sleep there until you wake it up.

For USCIS expedite request, one guy mentioned you should declare in the first line how long you case has past the normal processing date. I followed the advice. My case passed the processing date for 18 months. Then you should describe the status of your case. If you have done a case status check, you should then mention what has been changed. I mentioned I have received the FBI name check complete notice. Of course you should describe how much you have suffered from the case. you may ask congressman keep sending status check request to keep your case fresh in their mind. I had decided to keep sending expedite request once every one to two weeks. It seems the USCIS expedite criteria is very high, so you can only rely on their mercy. However they may do you a favor if they need to tough your case for some reason.

I forgot to give the contact info of Mr. William Hooton. Here it is:

William Hooton
Record/Information Dissemination Section
Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20535

Good luck!
template -- Expedite request to USCIS

Phone: XXX
Email: XXX
XX XX, 2004

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services - Vermont Service Center
75 Lower Welden Street
St. Albans, VT 05479
Fax No: 802-527-4816

ATTN: Expedite Request

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Regarding status of our 485 Adjustment of Status applications

Mine (XXX) and my spouse’s (XXX) I-485 Application for Adjustment of Status has been passing your current processing data for more than 18 months. Our cases has been pending at Vermont Service Center since XX/XX/2001 while the processing date for this kind of application in Vermont Service Center is 06/19/2003 as the USCIS posted on December 06, 2004. I got your responds on my status request that my case has been delayed because of the FBI name and date of birth check. On November XX, 2004, I received the email responds from FBI(Mr. David Hardy) mentioned that “The FBI completed a name check for my wife on April XX, 2003 and for you on November XX, 2004. The results were forwarded to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Washington, DC.”.

Our case has been pending for more than three years and it has passed your regular processing time for so long, it has become a nightmare for us. Both my wife and I have spent tons of time on it. We have contacted USCIS, asked congressman to help, asked FBI to expedite the name check processing. The case has been worried us for so long, it has severely affected our life, our working efficiency and our health. Also, our second fingerprints, which were taken on October XX, 2003, are to expire in less than two months. We would greatly appreciate if you could kindly expedite our case. Following are our detailed information:

My Details:
Name: XXX
Receipt #: XXX

Spouse Details:
Name: XXX
Receipt #: XXX

Thank you for reading this letter and please help!

Yours truly,