2001 case status

RD Aug 01
ND Sept 01
FP Jan 03
No RFE, no approval.

Called the 800 number , they said within 30 days you should hear from us, contacted senator's office and the lady said the same thing.

Its been 3 weeks now, nothing has changed yet. Probably nothing will happen in 30 days:( and after 30 days ? what do I do then? Call them back and wait for ANOTHER 30 days?

Guys who have expeirenced this, please let me know what to do!
Sorry to hear that you still have to wait... I know its difficult, but wait for one more week and then use the standard expedite form of TSC and send fax as well as FedEx.

Good Luck.

Did u faxed/mailed a letter requesting another FP?? As per this forum members, it should help quite a bit.
Try it out............God only knows these TSC people work logic/order. did u talked with ur lawyer? What does he say? I am pretty sure they will have other sources to talk with TSC. They will not come up with one until u follow up with them every day. Your case is past due. They should do some thing really soon.

LongGC did every thing to make them touch his case. You should do the same. If one(Senetor) says wait for a week say ok and mean while talk with another souce(congress man). If he says wait....say ok and go back and follow up with the first one.

Don't wait any more.
If your FP hasn't expired yet, then by all means send a fax message to TSC reminding them of the FP expiration. If not, request a 2nd FP. An address change triggered 2nd FP in my case. I did receive a status letter in response to my inquiry (saying "your petition is pending..."). Contacted senator Hutchison's (R-TX) office last week.

Your options are 800# (to initiate/followup on inquiry), senator's office, TSC fax # for general expedite requests and letter to TSC director. Atleast that was what I did.
RD:7/3/01, ND:8/3/01, 1stFP:11/02, 2ndFP:4/04, 800#Status Inquiry:4/23/04.
Hang in there buddy, I was in the same situtation till last week they finally approved it.

ND 8/01
AD 5/04
Sen. Hutchison's contact #'s (phone,fax)

Can anybody provide the contact #'s for Sen. Hutchison?
I already have the contact #'s for Sen. Cornyn.
Which one is more helpful

I contacted several times with Sen Cornyn's office, whenever the receptionist transfer me to the one (Jane) handling immigration isuues I always got answering machine. Do you know Sen. Hutchison's office will be more helpful?

leilah88 said:
Can anybody provide the contact #'s for Sen. Hutchison?
I already have the contact #'s for Sen. Cornyn.
800 is useless. I made the second inquiry half month ago since first expired. I still do not get anything from them.

They do not reply to congressman's first inquiry. Second inquiry is also 1/2 month now.

Senator ask me to wait for 6 weeks. I am at 3.

I sent faxes to director and the officer. Nothing worked.

I would suggest to fax to director and officer regularly. It seems is the only way. They can still ignore all the messages right in front of them if they want.

What else can you do?
Hi every one for 2001 file,
lets have patience and wait for time to come.Hope it's coming soon, but sure coming one day.
About the 1800 # for INS , this is how the status check thing works and what I found out from the lawer.You can do a status check once their processing time passed 30 days than your filing time.After the 1st status check, you should get some response within 30 days, after 30 days you can do 2nd one where you expect to get a response within 30days, if nothing happens in 30 days of your 2nd status check , you may make 3rd one where you speak to a immigration specialist with that 800 # , who will have access to your file.I hope it works that way ,so look like some ones filing date passed 90 days with 2 prior status check you may able to speak a immigration officer who will have access to the file.
Hope this is right information, but had prior experience with my EAD where I did speak a immigration officer after 3 month with several times status checked.
Thanks a lot to all our support group.
PD : 1998
RD and ND : 9/1/01
FP: 5/03
RFE acked: 3/17/04
Officer # 18 ( sleeping or on honeymoon )
my lawyer said, when they called 800 number , they were told that there is an inquiry for this case already ( since i called teh 800 number before I asked teh lawyer to do so), so the lawyer is useless at this point, secondly the senators office said the same thinig, that is, wait for 30 days for the INS to reply to the inquiry.

In the past, I faxed and wrote letters begging them to look at my case since teh FP was about to expire. Now the FP has expired. I haven't called them for another FP notice yet, Since I figured, if they inquire about my case within 30 days, they will automatically see that my FP is expired adn will issue a new FP noticeor will approve my case. (yeah right).

Like I said before, nothing yet, no commotion, no news, absolutely NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

I am too in same situation.
RD: 06/01
ND: 08/01
FP: 11/02

I contacted 1-800 twice but have not got any reply from Texas.
Congressman is not very helpful.
I have contacted Senator see what happens.
Usual phrase is it will take 30 days for them to respond.
I think we have been put on backburner. Who knows for how long....
seems like there are not too many of us 2001 filers who are put in the back burner. But what could be the possible reason for that? I mean , shouldn't they look into these files first b4 they look into later files? If the 800 number is useless , then what purpose does the 'with 30 days' bull**** serve? I mean, I feel like the whole world is closing on to us! What's next? How can we have them look into our case? If every 30 days they keep on saying, "you'll get something in the mail in 30 days if not call us back...", its like hitting the wall!

I am so tired and frustrated of the whole situation! In the past I could justify saying Texas center is slow and I cannot inquire about my case until they pass my application ( I 485) date, but now what? They have passed 4 months after that!

I just don't know where is the end to it!

I'm sure there are other who feel the same. It's just not fair to play with our lives like that!
About Inquiries

I filed inquiries through 800 number as well as Senate's office. My lawyer also mailed an inquiry. My friend knows a lawyer, who serves on a liaison committee with TSC and AILA. The committee members meet with director, managers and supervisors at TSC almost every month. Hopefully this lawyer can help me find out what's current status of our cases.

RD: 11/2001
RFE ACK: 3/1/2004
FP: 2/3/2003
AD: ?
Hi Texasbig,
Thanks for using your friend to find some info about our luck, please try your best to find out what they are doing and why they don't do the 2001 case where as contd. to approve the 02 case, its nothing against the 02 case, but I am glad that some people are ending their journey atleast from the crappy beurocrats !
We all should try different way to find a answer and see any thing could be done.
Thanks and keep us posted.