2001 485 Waiters Thread


Registered Users (C)
2001 485 Waiters!!!
Please post your details here. We do not deserve to wait for so long but atleast we can share our frustrations..
i am from 2001 too....

RD: nov 29, 2001

latest RFE issued: May 18, 2004
RFE rcvd by CIS: June 9, 2004

RD: Nov 14, 2001
ND: Nov 30, 2001
RFE: May 28, 2003
Response Recvd: June 18, 2003.
waiting ...
Please also mention about your name check/record check details or status so we can atleast know what is possibly going wrong in our cases.
our 485 just got approved! for details, please see my new thread.

i sincerely hope all other people from 2001 will also get approved very soon.
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Congrats googol. I am really happy to know old timer like you got approved atlast. We did not deserve to wait this long. Anyways its past for u now. ENJOY.....
I am Nov. 2001 case, still pening for name check at FBI


CSC forward my case for FBI clearance to FBI in April, 04. Still waiting for name check result. Very frustrated.

Transferred to Local office - RD 12/19/01

Today I contacted congressman's office since I did not get any reply from Senator's office. I was told by Congressman's office that my file got transferred to office X back in November 2003. And since I moved to a different state after that ( I did not know even 2 months back when I got reply from Senators saying "my receipt date not in processing time frame) and now I am back working with senators office to get my file back to office Y (current resident of state) but the problem is senator's office is upset that I contacted the congressman's office and got the status in 5 minutes and they still haven't got any update from USCIS even 2 weeks after the inquiry is made. For the record, both senator and congressman belong to same party.

Am I being crushed for contacting congressman and senator's office ?
Count me in

Count me in ! I didn't have any clue about name check, until I started visiting this forum, will do immediately. Have contacted Senators, one of no help at all, otherone responded by a phone call and seems like doing something.FP2 done on 07/15/2004 and that is the only hope I am banking on...
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I am in the same boat

My ND Dec, 2001. 1st fingerprinting in March, 2002. No news since then at all. Got 3 EAD's approved so far and 4th one is in the process. Can anyone suggest, what should I do?

Santo, nsc121901, immigrateme, googol, waitneb

Can anyone of you please let me know what should I do from here. As I said earlier, there is no communication or no news since my fingerprinting notice in march'02. About a year after I485 application, I changed job and lawyer had sent new job letter, description and salary history to INS at that time. Lawyer also sent address changes to INS. Lawyer just keeps telling me to wait and watch. He has not done anything to find out about my case and I haven't done either. After reading all of these messages in last 2-3 days, I feel like I don't know anything and I should have done lot more than what I have been doing to find out about the status. Can anyone suggest, what should I do.
My sincere advise is call customer service and ask for 2 tier representative and ask them if your file is with them (Service center) or transferred to any local office. My experience says do not wait anymore as I have done in my case. Without knowing that my case was transferred I changed my addresss to different state and now I am trying to get my file back to new local jurisdiction.

If you donot get to speak to 2-tier representative call your local congressman and get the latest status.
Count me in...
RD July 11 2001
ND Aug 21 2001
2 FP done.
Contacted senators.....no help( standard reply from INS ).
They keep saying that it is waiting for
name check. Contacted FBI...got a reply saying that my case was cleared
in Dec 2002. Called customer service for special inquiry....got a letter saying that( 2 months back ) due to security check it is taking time and currently we are reviewing your case.
unlcky said:
.........got a letter saying that( 2 months back ) due to security check it is taking time and currently we are reviewing your case.

Seems like this is the standard excuse they are using these days for the old cases. Any special sitaution job changes/ location changes/ special registration etc?
unlcky said:
Did not change the job, same address since i applied, no special registration.

Me too...May be that is the reason we both are stuck...At times I feel like I should have changed something to trigger something on the application. How many EADs so far?
3 EAD's
2 AP and 3rd AP pending. It may be stuck again in security check.
Do you have any other country immigration ?
Did you travel to Canada by road ?
I have Canada immigration. Usually i travel to Toronto by car.
Just trying to see if there are any similar things.
unlcky said:
...Just trying to see if there are any similar things.

For me, 3 EADs, 1AP, No Canadian immigration (had applied, gave-up after filing 485, feel now that I should not have done that), have not travelled to Canada, but to Mexico for Visa stamping....

I personally don't think these are any potentail reasons for delay. As you said may be stuck in security check, or simply case lying with an ultra-inefficent officer....Who knows?
Not 2001 but almost near

Hello Friends,

I'm not in 2001 but my RD is 01/07/02 & ND is 01/10/02. I did my FP in FEB 2002. Then nothing so far. 3 EADs & 2 FPs.

Don't know when we will get approved.
