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2 green cards!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone,
I thought I wouldn't ask any more questions, but weird things keep on happening to me, so I had to!
Anyway, I'm DV 2005 winner. I got approved on Sept. 29 and just a couple of days later my green card was mailed to me. However, a month later, another one arrived!!! The A# is the same, the name as well, and all the dates, but there are some numbers on the bottom of the card that are diferent. What should I do? Or should I do anything? I already have my ticket and I'm flying back home after 4,5 years. I really don't feel like going through any kind of procedure again. What do you think?
Dear Majanikol,

This is almost amusing. I have never heard of two GCs arriving for one person, well I would call CIS or go to an Infopass and ask them. I would be surprised if this would mean any trouble for your trip, I hope someone more knowledgable can share some advice. Have a nice time at home. Nora
Dear Nora,
I can't believe that you are still there!!!!! But I'm certenly glad! Thanks for the advice. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do. You know the nightmare that we all went through, so you probably understand my paranoia.
Hope everything is fine with you!