1year for USC completing 5 years on april 2012 , but have to move to india for unfavourable reason


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Hello friends,

Me and my husband both are GC holders since 4/ 2008, but due to unfavourable circumstances I have to move to india along with my daughter(she is US citizen but a minor)by march 2012.
My husband will be staying here and plans to take his citizenship which will be by jan 2012 the earliest.
I am confused should I wait a year and get USC and then move or keep coming every 6 months to keep my GC valid or apply for REP.
Am working in US since 2006 till date.
If my husband gets USC shall I be eligible for USC on his basis after how many years.
Would appreciate all of ur replys.

Thank you in advance
Do you expect your move to India to be permanent? If not, how long do you think it will be? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? Longer?
Spending that much time abroad would delay your citizenship eligibility by several years. If US citizenship is important to you, you should keep living in the US until you complete the citizenship process.

You are allowed to apply 90 days before the 5-year anniversary, so that would be January 2012. The process normally takes about 4-6 months, so if you apply in January you can expect to be a citizen by July (or perhaps August or September because more people apply in an election year which slows things down).

If your husband gets his US citizenship, you would have to wait until he is a citizen for 3 years and you've been living with him in the US for 3 years after he obtained citizenship to be eligible to apply based on marriage to a USC.
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Wouldn't the five years be completed in 2013 instead of 2012?

4/2008 - 4/2009 = 1 year
4/2009 - 4/2010 = 2 years
4/2010 - 4/2011 = 3 years
4/2011 - 4/2012 = 4 years
4/2012 - 4/2013 = 5 years.

Is my math wrong here?

Yes that's right ... 5 year anniversary is April 2013, she can apply in Jan. 2013. I must have misread something.