180 day rule.........

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As far as I know INS is waiting for guidelines from Washington.The Bush administration is reviewing all the laws passed by the senate in the last 4-5 months of Clinton administration.

I don\'t think INS can issue guidelines themselves because they would have done it by now( I hope). My guess is it is the senate immigration commitee that issues the guidelines.

If you guys have different information, please let me know.
By the way, I sent the e-mail to senators but I haven\'t heard from them. Probably they are trying to find out who can issue the guidelines.

Anyway, make changes as you think are necessary and send the letters/emails. Atleast the senators will know there is problem and they can figure out who needs to issue the guidelines.

Also, if you don\'t mind please post it on this news group.

Godd luck.
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It is very annoying to read that INS has still not found it necessary to "interpret" this law although it has been passed in the congress and the president has signed it.
Imagine, the country can go to a war with another country or bomb them if it has the approval of the congress but... INS which is the Govt\'s own constituent, doesn\'t have to adopt the resolutions that are passed into law by the President !!! Give me a break !!!!

Hypocrisy.. thy name is INS!!!
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I thought it is already passed and signed as a new law, the congress is only responsible for enacting a law, the regulations should be put by the government agencies, shouldn\'t that?

Also, the Bush Administration can not withhold a law already signed, they can only withhold any laws being discussed, not enacted. INS just released regulations on LIFE act 245i, which is passed later than AC21.

Any idea?
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Does anyone know who is supposed to issue the guidelines ?

We\'ve been waiting for these guidelines for a long time but if senate immigration subcommitte is not going to issue the guidelines who is ?

Let\'s first identify that.
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Hello all,

    This is the exact text that I have seen on WWW.SHUSTERMAN.COM (look at the scrolling news display on the site\'s homepage):

    "At a recent AILA seminar in Wash. DC, an INS official stated that INS agrees that the "180 day rule", which allows persons who have applied for Adjustment of Status to change employers RETROACTIVELY. We have been of the same opinion since the president signed the law on October 17, 2000"

    The text means that it applies also for people who applied for I485 prior to October 17, 2000. However, the site also urges caution in regards to Job Change for people who applied for I485 prior to October 17, 2001. So, go figure.
