18 Months to get Card - IIO ? Pl. read...


Registered Users (C)
My application was approved last month , I got my approval notice and I had my passport stamped. I moved to different address now and I just want to put the address change request to INS. After reading Maja\'s address change story I decided to call IIO this morning. After dailing 100 times I finally got through and a lady IIO assisted me. After I told her my WAC number she pulled up my record on her computer. I requested her to change the address ...she did it. I also asked her to check the file with my A #. She went off for a minute and when she came back SHE GAVE ME SHOCK OF THE DAY. She asked me whether she should change EAD/Advance parole also. I got confused. Why would I care now about those two...I am already a permanent resident. When I told her the same thing, she got irritated and said thats what she sees on her computer. To make matter easy I said "if it doesnt harm, I would like to change those addresses also".
Question to you guys is why still my file says about EAD/Advance parole even after approval. I believe those are tied with our A #. Did anyone have the same experience.
Also, after she updated the records I casually asked her how long it is taking now-a-days to get actual "Green Card". She said they are very back logged and it is taking 18 MONTHS to get it !! 18 MONTHS...what the f*&k is that ?(excuse my language but i really got pissed off)..
I think you\'ve lost your time calling INS IIO

It seems that a lots of people here still worring \'automatically\' even after PP stamping. Bad habbit :)
Here is some ideas:

1. Your pasport stamp is your Green Card;
2. EAD and AP should been destroyed by INS officer after you\'ve got PP stamped;
3. The info about 18 month of waiting for plastic card is a complete b-shit (the same shit you probably heard before at AVM: "Your I-485 form.. ..it is taken between 975 and 999 days for us to process this kind of case..").

Do not worry and enjoy your freedom :)))
Stamp is valid only for one year

And that is the reason to worry(?) - or at least be concerned. I went for my stamping on Monday, and the officer there told me that it takes about one year for the card to be issued, and that if I haven\'t received my card till then, I should come back for another stamp at that time.

Regarding the other issue - about the IIO asking about the EAD/AP, that is probably just ignorance - and I think it has been well-established on this board, that the IIO\'s are very ignorant!
Thank you..

You are right, I am so used to "worry" about my GC (for 4 years) it so happen that even when I got it still my mind is not set right...I still worry for small things like this. Pardon me if I confused anyone here and obviously that is not my intension.
I agree with spancha that IIO\'s are ignorant..some say 1 year and some say 11/2 years and I saw a lot of people getting in 3-4 months (CIBA\'S tracking list). So, I guess I have to behave like a "happy camper" which eventually I will ...
Picachu - Becoming happy is easy and most difficult too

Depends on how you take it:

Since you are in the habit of worrying, you may find it very difficult to get away from it.
Please try following:
1] Get up early and do some meditation.
2] Go to the lush green grounds on week ends and play some football, soccer, or just run
3] Go in Macy\'s, Nordstrom and do some real shopping.
4] Start thinking seriously about marriage, if married about kids, if already have kids then about their college education fund
5] Buy some perfumes, watch some nice movies, have you ever gone to big city operas or night clubs, try those out but behave yourself.
6] Think about writing some book on any subject you like
7] Send caring letters to your loved ones across the globe
8] Take part in some volunteer activity
9] Use your camera ( still and Video) to take some nice photographs, create your own web site and post all of those there and invite all your friends.
10] cook some nice dishes and invite friends to eat it.
11] Grow some house plants and water them daily.
12] Try having a lite ( non-Sxx ) affair with oposite sex collegue

Wow , life offers so much......................
Good one...

I love your points...but thanks, I have my own way of leading life (i am in recession, it will take some time to come out thats all..)
I appreciate your advice.