140 Labor Substitution approvals


The labor has to match the perspective new employee at the time when the labor was filed ... it does not depend on ur date of hiring etc .

e.g if the labor was filed on 01-jan-2002 and has a MS reuirement for education u should have met that requirement as of 01-jan-2002. if u completed masters right now , u can not apply using that labor.

i hope this helps...

p.s i am one of u .. use my comments at ur own risk
Thank you I140helppls.

One more question. If the education criteria matches the LC per the date it it was filed, but not the experience, would it still work?

E.g. on 21-Jan-2002, I had an MS but 1 year of experience,
but now I have 4 years, would I be eligible for it?

Thanks again!

You have to take urself back to the day when the labor was filed and make sure that on that day u had the experience and educational req to aualify for the job. so if the labor asked for MS plus 1 yr experience and you had that it would be fine but if it said 4 yrs and u have 4 yrs exp today then NO, u would not qualify.

also in labor it might say MS or equivalent + 1 year OR BS + 4yrs so look at the labor and tell us what it says in the educational req and mimimun exp field (read exactly what it says , whether there is any equivalent option )

and then see whether you have that req. met as of the date the labor was filed, NOT AS OF TODAY

i would suggest u to show the labor to a lawyer. he can give the best judgement . dont make any decisions on the suggestions u get from us . just use them to gather info......