13 Months and 5 Days..and..NO news

Originally posted by swsrus
... Easier said than done

This is not legal advice.


i am anxious as i am counting down the time till Diwali.. if i can get the approval by Oct 23rd, get it stamped by Oct 31st, I can make it home in time for Diwali on Nov 4th (after being out away from home for the 12th year now, 4 years undergrad in india and 8 years here).. if not then it will be next year's Diwali that I shall spend in india.. which will be the 13th year - who knows, maybe 13 is a lucky number

here i am also waiting ..

RD 10/01
ND 11/20

i have been awaw from home for more than 5 years ! ....i understand your pain lamborghini

but now i feel good that i am not alone ...

really ...this american dream has lot of nightmares !

Originally posted by the_matrix
here i am also waiting ..

RD 10/01
ND 11/20

i have been awaw from home for more than 5 years ! ....i understand your pain lamborghini

but now i feel good that i am not alone ...

really ...this american dream has lot of nightmares !

I have been home in the last 8 years just not during Diwali time..

During school years it came in the middle of the semester and now in work life there is never that much freedom/vacation/$resources to be able to say "F%$# that! I am going home for 1 week - see ya"

hopefully soon
Hey, I'm joining the wailing....

Haven't been to my childhood' home for 7 years... This waiting is radiculous - read Kafka's Before The Law - the INS should Approve/Deny/RFE/Deport/Incarcerate/younameit on the basis of folks' EAC numbers.

What's so special about it - you get your number, you sit down and wait until your number is called and you hear what they tell you when it's your turn.

Kafka - Before The Law - I'm getting old sitting by the Door.

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How can your RD be 09/11.. INS office shut down that day at like 9:00 a.m. because of the tragedy. Fed Ex tried to deliver my app that day but couldn't.

Yours has got to be either 09/10 or 09/12????

Also are you EAC-02-034-XXXXX?