100 interview Civil questions


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1. I just wonder how 10 questions will be asked? by face to face oral? or written test? multiable choices? (I remember I read somewhere it is oral but another person told me 100% sure he has written multiable choice.)

2. most of time the questions state "list ONE of xxx" (eg, "What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?"). However, a lot of questions never mentions it so should I answer both? (egWhat do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance? ▪ the United States ▪ the flag). Or this has been seen as the same answer?

Another example is this: (I think they are the same answer to me, so should I just answer one? or I need to say all 3 in the lists)
Who makes federal laws?
▪ Congress
▪ Senate and House (of Representatives)
▪ (U.S. or national) legislature

What is the “rule of law”? (remember and answer all 4 because they are different?)
▪ *Everyone must follow the law.
▪ *Leaders must obey the law.
▪ *Government must obey the law.*
▪ *No one is above the law.*

thanks a lot!
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I just got back from my interview today so let me answer you while I'm still fresh:

You will be asked - orally - those 10 questions. The interviewer will stop once you answered 6 correctly.

You do NOT have to give all the possible answers, any one of those will suffice. They just show you what are the acceptable answers, so just learn the ones that are easiest for you to remember. In the examples you gave, I learned "Congress" and "No one is above the Law" since they were the shortest and the easiest to remember...

My 6 questions were:

Who is the Commander in Chief of the Military?
What are the 2 major political parties?
What is the party of the President now?
Who wrote the Decleration of Independence?
Name 1 state bordering Mexico? (I remembered TX as the largest state in the south...)
Name 3 states of the original 13? (I remembered the "three New's": NEW York, NEW Jersey, NEW Hampshire)

I got all 6 first questions right, so I wasn't asked any more...

Good Luck!
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thanks a lot!!

I hope they will ask me west and east ocean name of USA. :) your questions are hard I think!

By the way, how is the reading and writing test? they ask you to write down the full sentence which could be words not from the study list?

They asked me to write a 4 word sentence: "The people elect Congress"
and to read a 3 word sentence: "Who elects Congress?"

Real easy

PS: I thought 5 of my 6 question were very easy actually. The only one I didn't know before starting to study for interview was: who wrote the decleration.. I mean I heard his name before, but didn't quite know what he done...
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I just finished my interview today and here is my 6 questions. just remember to bring all the paper with you and it is very helpful if they cannot find paper in their file!

- What did the Declaration of Independence do (said that United State is free from Great Britain)
- What is the economic system in the United States (market economy)
- Name one branch or part of the government (President)
- We elect a US Senator for how many years? (6)
- What does the President's Cabinet do? (advises the President)

and my reading is:
where is the White House

writing is
The White House is in Washington D.C.

and good luck to everyone~