10/04 RD Approved


New Member
Mine, My wife and My Son's Cases have been Approved on 10/07/02.EAC-02-043-5xxxx/EB2/MA/INDIA.

Only called once on 10/01/02 and IIO said my case is in Pending status and will take Two Months.

I am a very silent viwer of this site and it is my turn to do my part for others.

All the Best to Everybody

Madhu :)
Congrats!...The Call you made

The Call you made to IIO was just a few days back...and seems from the answer you got there is NO WAY YOU CAN TRUST the Immigration clerk.

Well that's good news!


I have Updated Rupnet

under Madhu.

Thanks You All.

That's right Roma. The way IIO told me, No one could ever expect this. I checked online yesterday morning onc eand same old message and checked again before going to bed after seeing couple of Oct Approvals on Forum and could not believe for a moment.