1-year stamp at SJ


Registered Users (C)
Might be non-flesh info, our cases WAC-01-266 were approved on 4/1.
Ours were a little bit tricky. The check for my wife\'s EAD,AP application became out-of-date while the application package was sitting in the INS\'s mail room. Then the lawyer re-submitted whole application again. In the result, we received 2 sets of AOS receipts.
Original application:
  RD: 6/01
  ND: 8/01
Re-submitted application:
  RD: 6/01
  ND: 9/01
  EAD, AP for my wife only.
  FP: Done 1/29/02, Scheduled 1/30/02 at SJ
  AVM\'s never changed. Was always saying \'999 days...\'
  Approved 4/1/02.
  Coutesy copy received 4/5/02
  Original copy received 4/11/02 from lawyer.

Went SJ for stamping 4/15 at around 3:10 AM, and found the night was not too good one to spend hours outside because it was windy night, but found still 30-40 people were already there. Were allowed to enter inside 7:30 AM, and waited our number called for about 2 hrs. Once we were called and went to the window, the process was simple and got 1-year stamp which I didn\'t expect. I was expecting only 6-month stamp.
Did they change the policy again? But, there is no reason I should complain about this anyway.
Which case was approved? WAC-01-264 or WAC-01-266??

  RD: 6/01
  ND: 8/01
Re-submitted application:
me too --- 1 year stamp at SJ

Just go to San Jose this morning at 4:20am---4/16/02. There are 20-30 people ahead. Enter office at 8:00, out at 8:30 with all done.
If you want to go there early, my suggestion is you must be there before 5:30AM.
No Title


Congratulations. Can you please let us know exact dates for RD, ND for tracking purpose?

I will do it as soon as I get home today,

Because all of the documents are at home right now. Please wait until then.
And please forgive me for forgetting to show my appreciation in my original post.
Thank you, PCee, GodBlessForever, and all in this board.
No Title

yoshee, jx316,

I have a question! Recently "bbad" posted some info saying that one doesn\'t need to stand in the line at San Jose for AOS stamping! Did any one tried this? Yes, the note says "Appointment letter from the Service Center", I am not sure if it means "Approval letter from the Service Center" or one need to make an appointment and wait for some time (if one need to take an appointment then it would be from local INS though!)

szhou "INS San Jose Liaison Meeting on March 6, 2002 (03-07-2002" 3/8/02 9:48pm
Adit Processing For Employment Based Cases

Cases approved by the Service Center, the client needs to go to the San Jose INS office to be processed for the Adit stamp and creation of the Alien Registration Card. With the appointment letter form the Service Center, the individual need not stand in the “regular” line, but should go directly to the Security Guard and will be allowed to enter the facility. Children under ten years of age need not be present.

I don\'t think so.

The appointment letter must have the date when you must attend.
Approval letter never mentions the appointment info.
I don\'t think people who stand at cold night all are stupid guys.
No Title


I am sorry but I NEVER said that "people standing in the line are stupid guys"! Note that only San Jose INS is making people going for AOS stamping to stand in that general line, where as in SFO one can directly go to respective department without standing in that general line. The point is, probably this issue is brought into discussion at the time of recent San Jose liaison meeting and probably the concerned San Jose INS official made above statement. It doesn\'t mean that the guard need to know that (If you ever met/talked to the guard there you will understand what I am saying)!

By the way I came to know about this issue from couple of my friends where their attorney also advised them that one need not stand in that general line any more! Also can you please read the discussion in the following thread on this matter?
sonofindia "No need to stand in the line for AOS stampting @ San Jose INS!!!" 4/16/02 6:35pm

PCee, here is exact RD&ND

Oh... I didn\'t need to sleep/stand in the \'regular\' line!!!????
Gee, why you didn\'t tell me!! I should\'ve known that before I went...
Sorry, I\'m upset by none of you, but what I should be upset about is that my lawyer didn\'t tell me about it at all.
Oh, the reason why they issued 1-year stamp is that I stood in the regular line??? Hmm.. maybe not.
I\'m kind of wondering that issuing acutual cards will be taking longer than a few months ago, and then they started to issue 1-year stamp....

Well anyway, here is my case\'s detailed info.
Original Application:
  RD: 6/26/01
  ND: 8/22/01
  PD: blank
Re-submitted Application:
  RD: 6/26/01
  ND: 9/26/01
  PD: blank
Approval Notice shows PD as 11/17/00

Thanks again, PCee.