052-approved but can't stamp


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My spouse's 485 just approved yesterday after her 2nd FP in Feb'04 ,and mine got approved two months back..please see
the below thread..


She just left to India yesterday (yeah..after waiting for two years for approval) and planned to stay there for five months ,and can she do the Passport stamping after five months or it has to be
done immediately and she does have a valid AP which is good
for another year...

Please let us know about this ??? .....
Excuse me for being angry and rude. But are you guys on dope
or seeking therapy of some kind?

What kind of people delay stamping after approval? There are
people stuck here in long INS queues who would not waste
a minute to get their stamping done. And you are telling us
that you cannot stamp your passport for another five months?
Do you know how that makes us feel?

Unless you have some good excuse for this stupidity or you
or your wife have some medical problems I hope that you get
screwed by USCIS when you go to stamp after five months.

May they cancel your green card and force you to leave the
country. I would also add 100 lashes but unfortunately this
is America.

If you really have genuine problem then accept my apologies.
Otherwise you can be a proud subscriber of my profanities.
Get your Passport Stamped Right Away

Hi Venkayya:

If I were in your place, I would ask my wife to come back to the US ASAP, get the passport stamped and then go back to India.

It is not worth taking the risk of going without your passport stamped for 5 months. Anything can happen in 5 months. Waiting for 2-3 weeks is fine, but not longer.

More than anything, getting both yours and your wifes cases approved is such a joyous thing and needs celebration. When you wife gets back, get the stamping part done, throw a big party and enjoy the freedom together with your life partner.

- Californian
The best practice ( not a legal requirement) is one month

As others mentioned, the sooner the better.

Just get it done with Venkayya.. you never know what happens and you are NOT a legal immigrant UNTIL its stamped on your passport for travel purposes


Thanks to all the responses

yes,i also want to get it done but the problem is going to be travelling with an infant..she just reached there and its tough
travelling back and forth since we have function in India in another 2 months..

As i said she has a valid AP/EAD and not going to be working anytime soon and in the approval letter there is no time period mentioned..

* Does anybody know what is the maximum period allowed,
or anybody done it very late ?
* Should i visit local Service center and explain my situation
to get some TIME ?

Anyways i will talk to my lawyer and update his responses as well..
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dude screw the function. 2 months is a lot of time to go back again. get ur passport stamp. dont regret later.
desi bartender you are awesome man, me and my spouse laughed non-stop for 10 minutes ... please do post more

:D :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Ram_CSC
The best practice ( not a legal requirement) is one month

As others mentioned, the sooner the better.

Just get it done with Venkayya.. you never know what happens and you are NOT a legal immigrant UNTIL its stamped on your passport for travel purposes


Not really true, she is a permanant resident when her 485 got approved. The stamping is for processing the physical card. As long as she had proper AP, she should face no problems. But yes, I do agree with everybody, why wait? You can go to your local consulate and explain the situation, probably they will tell you to not worry and get back to US before AP expires. BTW, is your kid a US citizen?
Nobody knows what changes is going to happen especially with INS.To be on safe side call your wife and get stamped.Dont regret afterwards
you are approved (your spouse i mean , and u yourself r GC holder ) take it easy man.... I can understand others going balistic over you and ur better half, but u r fine. The AP will let her travel.

I dont think consulates in india will do it, but i could be wrong.

But yes getting the stamping done , faster the better no doubt.

But I will still say u guys r fine.

Take a couple of copies of the approval letter for urself and FedEx the original to your spouse in india.

But the best advice , talk to your LAWYER buddy.

Congrats and goodluck

Finally, u r approved and thats it...... so take it easy.

While travel outside the country is valid for duration of AP, it is not advisible to stay outside for that long a period, specially when you have an approved AOS in hand.

The best thing I can think off, is for your wife to make a short trip back to the US, get the passport stamped and then go back to India. It is worth expending the money, effort and inconvinience just to get a lot of peace of mind.

Offcourse the decision is yours, but after your years of experience with INS, would you want to take any more chances than necessary?
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Proceed reading only if you have an excellent (or sick) sense of humor...

Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever

just to get a lot of piece of mind.

140, you mean peace of mind along with a piece of ass , right?
Originally posted by gopher97
140, you mean peace of mind along with a piece of ass , right?

LOL! Corrected the typo.

Coal stuck up your alimentary canal will definitely be converted to Diamonds! :) (Absolutely no offense meant just J/k'ing )
There is no time limit for passport stamping (most of the time people already answered that). When she comes after 5 months I don't think there is any possiblity of stop her at immigration entry point. However, she may have to face some tough questions - both in entry point and USCIS office while stamping her passport. Normally USCIS does not appreciate the fact that you intend to live here (and when you filing for I485 you are manifesting your intend to USCIS offically), but you are spending most of the times outside country without any "good" (it's relative term, don't get offended) reason. That defeats the basic spirit they are providing you the green card for. But I don't think there will be any trouble unless her answers are VERY conflicting. "We are very religious people, our family is very religious. We HAD TO do that functions with our all relatives and religious gurus. We did not want spend money traveling half of the world, just for stamping the passport. It's very tought to travel with baby..blah blah blah" - I think this kind of honest answers should be fine.

They should not get an impression that she went to India and stayed there for five months because she needed some helping hands (just to avoid some paid hands - nanny or babysitter in US).
Re: reason...

Originally posted by Venkayya
Thanks to all the responses

yes,i also want to get it done but the problem is going to be travelling with an infant..she just reached there and its tough
travelling back and forth since we have function in India in another 2 months..

As i said she has a valid AP/EAD and not going to be working anytime soon and in the approval letter there is no time period mentioned..

* Does anybody know what is the maximum period allowed,
or anybody done it very late ?
* Should i visit local Service center and explain my situation
to get some TIME ?

Anyways i will talk to my lawyer and update his responses as well..

* Right now she has gone on AP, remember she's not stamped yet so its not advisable to be out of the country for 5 months on AP.
* Do you think the service center would care if you tell them its because of the infant.
* I don't think it can be done in India but do give it a try.

Boss you've been waiting for 2 years for this(4+ yrs on whole). That 'phunkson' is 2 months from now and I think 99% of the people here would suggest to let her come back and get stamped except that 1%(your kid since he's a citizen)
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Originally posted by 7714
desi bartender you are awesome man, me and my spouse laughed non-stop for 10 minutes ... please do post more

:D :D :D :D :D

Yeah! as long as its not on you, have all the laughs. It was a question after all. And his spouse left yesterday and she got approval yesterday! what are the odds! I just feel sorry for Venkayya, both for the situation he is in and also because of so many people having fun at his cost. I personally know how difficult travel is going to be half the globe, with an infant.
I'd say, ask her to be back in a month and then forget about making another trip soon.
mango_pickle I think you read too much into my post, I am not going to criticize you for picking on me... I felt the post was quite funny knowing desi_bartender did not mean a thing he wrote about .. it was his frustration coming out. I hope you do get my point. I cannot help if you cannot enjoy humor and separate this posts against the true disparaging ones.

To be frank if I have replied to a RFE and done a 2nd FP I should be against any trip outside the country unless there has been an emergency. We all are waiting almost 24 months+ for a damn stamp and when the day finally comes you want to postpone ???
update from my lawyer

:) :) :)

Just spoke to my lawyer,and said its not going to be problem
if we postpone the stamping as long as she is in US
before her AP expires. Only drawback is that our citizen application,since clock will start only the date you do your
stamping ....

So THANK YOU ALL for your time in responding to my problem
including desi_bartender and 7714..; atleast this post
will help somebody in future with all the opinions..

Get it stamped !!

You had similar case as mine as spouse was not approved. But niw its for you to get in action. Get it stamped. Althjough it might not be a problem, I don't want to send another post "I delayed in stamping and now what to do. CSC is not stamping".

Call your wife for a week and get it stamped. Why take chances? You never know what is in future. Make the best use of present. Call your wife and get it stamped.