02/12/2002 approved!!!


Registered Users (C)
Finally......my case has been approved online! Thanx for all those who replied to my earlier e-mails and provided very useful info!!!
Thanx Rajiv for maintaining this website!

RD 02/12/2002
ND 03/01/2004
FP1 05/06/2002 (Boston)
FP2 11/04/2003 (Newark)
FP3 02/10/2004 (Newark)

EAD-1: 03/2002 - 03/2003
EAD-2: 03/2003 - 04/2004
EAD-3: Not approved yet!..Do I need to bother?
Friends " My Case Approved "

I want to thank you every body for arranging such a wonderful platform for sharing thoughts and ideas.

Here are the details:

RD 03/27/02
ND 04/14/02
FP1 05/17/02
FP2 10/28/03
