02-03.. Boy does the wait seem long!!!!

yes and all these out of order approvals

:confused: really mess you up !
I dont care if they take more time but move in order approving on the basis of WACs/PDs/NDs/RDs/FPs ...pick any ome criteria and stick to it ...well there is nothing we can do about it...but wait it out.
Hi tt,

looks like your around the same dates I am. Have you talked to the IIO recently?? I am thinking of calling tomorrow. Our lawyers want us to start the EAD?AP renewal. Will have to pay the cost for my wife, so if this thing comes through it would sure save us some money.

Heartening to see some 02-045 approvals. My AVM message has been 999... days since the beginning and has not changed at all.

Hi Jayk. I too plan to call tomorrow...

my lawyer just got the fax back reply from INS that 'the case is pending adjucation' apart from that I checked our wac#/FP dates differ by just 1 day and AVMs are also the same. However my EAD is valid until feb 03 and AP valid until dec 02. anyway my wife and I both have valid H1 visas and status so I dont think we will renew the EAD/AP, hope the approval comes in soon. we can compare notes on wednesday after the IIO call.

tt tt
Hi tt,

I called the IIO this morning. She basically said they are processing July cases and yours was recieved in Nov. I am sick and tired of hearing that and same AVM message of 999 days. Our EAD expires in Feb too I think, but our lawyer wants us to start the renewal process in August. I think the H1 is still valid till April 2003, but my wife is applying for jobs and it would help for her to have the EAD inst of H4. So looks like I am set to donate more of my money to the INS.

there are some things in life one just cant change :)

Checked AVM , could not get IIO

best of luck with the job search, I agree EAD will be a much better option to find a job, however I thought you can apply for renewal only 90 days before the expiration...check with the lawyer however. No change in my AVM msg, 999...
Going through al the comments just few words comes out my mind ... INS SUCKS. Seems there's no one over them to monitor there process or even complain them . Guess this is the price we have to pay to get PR here.