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  1. H

    Case approved after interview LA Office

    we have kind of the same experience. we got there 5am.. waited in the cold until the doors opened at 7am. our interview was scheduled at 8:30am. we were interviewed at about 945am. my wife was interviewd first (1.5 hours) then me... they run out of video tape and it's almost noon so they took a...
  2. H

    Please Help - I485 denied after interview

    im sorry to hear that. i think i read somewhere on bcis website something about change of employer while a petition is on file. i think they're changing something and allowing change of employer. i'm not sure but maybe it can help you. best wishes. i hope everything will be settled soon.
  3. H

    Please advise how many weeks are there on average between interview letter and actual

    yes, it's the income tax return. questions asked were: how did we learn about the job, what's the nature of the job (duties, responsibilities), and one major thing (which i dont think you'll have to worry if the company who sponsored you is big) is if the company who sponsored us/ the owner will...
  4. H

    not so sure about case status

    thanks shapourz! i actually did what you suggested... have all documents prepared and tabbed. but instead of bring the current copy of itr of the company i bought one from the previous year. thanks again. we got a call from INS today. they said we migth be scheduled for another interview. im...
  5. H

    Please advise how many weeks are there on average between interview letter and actual

    it took us a little over 2 months. we brought the same documents that greencard brought. we laso brought medical results but i don't think they really need it. if oyu have a lawyer, better asked them coz it's just a waste of money to take those medical exams. by the way, our interview was...
  6. H

    not so sure about case status

    hi, Before I go on... what do you mean by stamped? You got approved after the interview? Because we received exactly the same letter. It's weird coz it says between 660 days and 660 days. Here's my story... we had an interview last year (Dec. at LA) Failed to bring one document. The...
  7. H

    Passport stamped in the interview

    After our case was transfered to LA, it took approximately 40 days before we received a schedule for interview. Krupakar, bring all necessary documents, especially relating to your employment (pay stubs, tax forms, etc.). We also brought the results of our medical exams. In our case, we...
  8. H

    case transfer to san francisco

    correction: we did NOT bring a lawyer during our interview.
  9. H

    case transfer to san francisco

    Congratulations to those of you who already got the approval! :) We filed I485 June 2002. Got an interview schedule last Dec 2004. We filed our case at csc then before we received the interview schedule, our case was transfered to LA. Our interview process is a long story... We did...