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  1. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Guys, I have just relocated cities and will be out of commission for the next two weeks since I don't have access to my old laptop. I have the script backed up on another computer and will only be able to get to it then.
  2. G

    TO Funkyjunky

    I also switched jobs just before the interview but the interviewer didn't even ask for a letter from my employer. (I had a letter from my new job in case they asked) The BCIS has stated, however, that you should inform them. I would inform them and simply keep a copy of the letter. I am...
  3. G

    My turn at last.......

    Thanks for all the good wishes Thanks for all the good wishes lads. It was an incredibly stressful experience, especially during the "bust" when the whole tech world took a dive. The INS did not appreciate the sacrifices we all made in coming here and the associated financial risks. Every...
  4. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Summary Update
  5. G

    Greenland Summary Report FY 03

    Custom Cat - Code 4 U Let me have your email address again - I have some code that may be of some use to you. Do you still have my email address?
  6. G

    My turn at last.......

    Well guys, my 485 was approved this morning after a marathon session. The guy who interviewed me was incredibly efficient and even went to the effort of tracking down my wife's file which was lost up to that point. If the guy who helped me was running the show, then I think we would all have...
  7. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    wandergirlus You are not wrong sir! My case was approved after the interview in Detroit this morning. The effeciency of the guy and his willingness to work through some difficulties we encountered was awesome. I did not expect that from the BCIS given their track record. It is sad that...
  8. G

    Dates moved for Employment based I-485

    So in the past 18 months, the INS / BCIS has managed to process less than one months' worth of applications. Such effectiveness! Such efficiency! These guys don't need terrorists to screw up America - they seem to be quite capable of doing so all on their own.
  9. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Summary Update Nothing exciting in this update I'm afraid.
  10. G

    Approved and happy new year

    BCIS motto : Hurry up and wait ND = Notice Date (when your applicaiton was entered into the system - I think. In all the years I have been on the boards, I haven't heard a better definition) RD = Receive Date (when your application was received) If I look at the Summary Report, it looks...
  11. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Summary Update Jogil - I cannot update the statistics without the underlying data for the graphs etc. If you send me the complete list with all the LIN numbers, then the Summary report compiles those statistics automatically.
  12. G

    Timing of job change and 485 interview

    I am in the process of interviewing for a new job (same or similar). The problem is that my interview date is on date X. The questions are: 1) What happens to any future citizenship applications if I get the job offer before date X but start the job after date X? 2) Same question, but if...
  13. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Summary Update Another few LINs updated. As usual lately, the early LINs show very little activity.
  14. G

    Check This Out

    A couple of saying come to mind A picture tells a thousand words. Never a truer word spoken in jest. Man, the BCIS is a contemptable organization. Ok, so I made up the last one but it ought to be a saying.
  15. G

    talked with an IIO this morning

    Second FP I am having my second FP on Jan 14 and 485 interview Jan 22. They seem too close together. Something screwy going on.
  16. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Mr. zm38 You are absolutely correct - always useful to have another person giving a report the evil eye. I have added your info and will post another update as soon as I have made a few more runs. Thanks for your input. I suspect there are a few more bugs out there - I don't call myself...
  17. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Summary Update Attached is another update. Mugdha, it seems that you are running your update from scratch instead of using the list you have compiled as the basis for your update. If you do it this way, you can do the whole LIN 02-220 in a single run. Let me know if I can help.
  18. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Summary Update A few sheets updated. I have noticed that the USCIS is now basically ignoring anything before LIN02060. If you are a member of this infortunate subset then I think that the only way you are going to get any performance out of the USCIS, is to light a senator-induced fire...
  19. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Immigrationwatch I checked out this site and did not find any info that a 2002 LIN prisoner can use. I reached the same conclusions that CustomCat did.
  20. G

    Greenland Summary Report

    Summary Update It seems that the USCIS is now ignoring the earlier LINs