Cao jivini,
cut off za Mart za Evropu je 17,150, tako da ako si go ovog broja onda u Martu, a ako ne najverovatnije u aprilu.
Reci mi jesi li prikupio svu dokumentaciju? Sta sve treba? Koliko para treba da imas na racunu kao garanciju za vizu?
I am from Serbia. I have applied for dv2006.
Ma daj.....
ako ima ljudi iz srbije ili ex YU koji su proslikroz celu proceduru ili su se tek sada prijavili neka se jave na
Bilo bi super da mi medjusobno razmenimo iskustva i da budemo u kontaktu.
I am Milos from Serbia. There is a lot of stuff about steps when you get selected in "what are the steps when you are selected"
Maybe you can find your answer there
Take care
Thanks for all answers!
As I understood you have to have money to cover your living costs in USA.
Is it enough to have money for few months or I have to show bank stsaement for one year costs or more.
Is there anyone who went trough the procedure and knows what amount of meoney is...
iz Srbije sam, prijavio sam se za DV2006 pa sam hteo da vidim da li ima koga od prosle godine da mi prenese svoje iskustvo.
Pisi direktno na mail
I have one guestion. What are the steps after someone is selected vor DV, and wich documents do you have to send to KCC, and what do you have to bring with you to the interview?
When do you have to have your medical exam fot the interview or to sen it to KCC?
Thanks :)
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