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  1. Audio

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    How do you see the projection for SA?... any chance to be called? when is the top date to be called? Thanx in advance
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    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    Since I read the entire paper about why they do the DV Lottery I was worry that we (the latin americans) were too many already, that's why my comment... it was always my secret personal concern
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    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    Well, is about diversity and maybe there are less africans in the US, so they deserve it more than other regions, is the only way I could read this and the only way I can be happy.
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    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    I told Veronice yesterday... since they made that mistake last month I don't believe the numbers at once... let's wait one more week...
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    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    Yay!!! you must be a very cool person! hahahahaha :p:D
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    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    SA-21** -SIGHS-
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    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    Tomorrow is my birthday... just need good news! ;)
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    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    This entire thread is off topic, LOL It might be called: "Put your prayers, anxiety and stress here -OFF TOPIC-" The one that call today have to be one with no feelings or someone that doesn't care to be heard when he/she cries; even for good feeling or sadness... and i'm not either of them
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    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    Well... let's freak out until tomorrow.... and the next day.... and the next day.....
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    August visa bulletin the final.

    And.... this is what happens while we wait the bulletin... and why the Xanax is so important.... *went back to her corner*
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    August visa bulletin the final.

    I'm not losing my life... i'm losing my mind! ... that is worst... i'm gonna be alive and crazy!!!! COMING SOON.... COMING SOON.... COMING SOON *sit in a corner* o_Oo_Oo_O:eek:
  12. Audio

    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    I remember those days... within January and February that I was sitting by a bunch of just printed papers, a calculator, my glasses and a pen.... (i'm an old fashion lady)... then I decided not to torture me anymore doing that, and stay as positive as I can and gather all my documents to be...
  13. Audio

    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    Yay!!! keep that number in mind!!! I will!
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    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    Well tell your head: "think about 2150 so we can meet her!" hahahaha is that a good incentive for your head?
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    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    So handy as usual!!! ;) Thank you!!! Now that you saw that.... do you think we are gonna be current this year?
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    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    I don't know, it came from here: But if you check that info with this official page... there are the actual numbers...
  17. Audio

    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    becvarisi gave us this valuable information about other years cut off behavior: And that post goes as follow: HI all, Here are the visa numbers from the past years for South America Note that ALWAYS it became current. Note that this year is moving faster than the previous five...
  18. Audio

    DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

    Hi!! Nice new Forum!! I'll gather all the info about the bulletins we had here, if you want to bring some other info from there, you are welcome to do it! Grab a chair and let's re construct our topic! SOUTH AMERICA, and the CARIBBEAN 500 For October 600 For November 675 For December 700...
  19. Audio

    Max CN limitation for each REGION - my prediction !!!!!!

    That's more like the answer of my question. Yeah, I know you were confused, it was just a coincidence. Do you "feel" that SA will be current or it will stop in 1500 or something in between?
  20. Audio

    Max CN limitation for each REGION - my prediction !!!!!!

    The 1140 is not the cut off number, is the result of 5 months of interviews where they are giving 475 visas, so the average pace is 95 (475 / 5 = 95), and the total of that pace in the entire year is 1140 (95 * 12 = 1140), the number is just a coincidence, so no, it doesn't answer my question.