My student visa expired in December 2005 but I enrolled in another class so I got a new I-20 which expires in 2012. I've been told that I can go to Mexico, Canada and some other places in the Caribbean for no longer than 30 days and reenter the US even though my visa is expired. If I'm not wrong...
Since both visas are different you should be able to apply for a transit visa, since you will need it if you flight has a stop in any American city. According to them, sometimes you're eligible for one kind of visa but not for another.
I'm a student in the US but my visa expired and I was...
:confused: I'm a student on an F-1 visa. My visa expired in December but since I'm taking another class the school gave me a new I-20. They told me that I can stay here legally as long as I don't lose the student status... but I can't leave the US bec. I will need a new visa to re enter the...
I have a question... How did you go to Canada if your visa was expired? I mean, if you go there and they reject your F1 visa, how can you enter the country?
My visa expired in December and I'm taking another class now but i would like to go to my country for a visit. I'm...
I'm on a student visa and i would like to take another class after the one I'm taking. Does anybody know how many credit units I need to take to satisfy the student visa requierements or transfer?
I'm from Canada, my visa expired a couple of years ago and I don't have a social security number. Is there any state and/or way that I can get my DL? There's usually a way to get many things so I would like to know if anybody knows a way in this case. :)
I'm on a student visa which expires in December 2005. My fiance is an American citizen and I don't want to leave the country. I was thinking about taking another class so that I can stay longer but my fiance suggested me the idea of getting married. Can somebody tell me what the steps to follow...
My extension of stay was denied and I got the notice on Nov. 1. My originally I-94 expired on Sep. 1. I've been trying to make all the arrangements to come back to my country but it seems that I can't return before Nov. 18 bec. the airline doesn't have any ticket. According to what I've read, if...
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