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  1. N

    gee,, only 1 approval last 2 days???

    No Title Well, only one that we know of. I suspect only a tiny fraction of people with pending/approved cases ever visit this (or other related) sites.
  2. N

    Don\'t bug IIOs with FP status quetsion

    No Title I second that. There\'s a guy in the next thread who called 2 days after FP to check if INS had received it!!! Unbelievable!!
  3. N

    Problem with FP transfer from ASC to FBI.

    No Title Satya, my mistake. I thought you said the INS hadn\'t recd it, not the FBI. I think your concern in genuine. When they entered your data into the computer at the ASC, did you verify they typed everything in correctly, especially the A#?
  4. N

    Problem with FP transfer from ASC to FBI.

    No Title Ciba, according to the original poster, FBI has already processed his FP. He is now wondering why the CSC hasn\'t received his FP 2 days after he did them. Yes, 2 whole days after he did them. Man, my heart goes out to him. It really does.
  5. N

    Reschedule Fingerprinting at ESC - Any Experiences? - Feedback appreciated

    No Title Guys, most of the time the ASC will let you FP at a later time without rescheduling it via CSC. It depends on the people running the ASC. To be sure, stop by your ASC and tell them your situation and ask them if you can come at a later time. Chances are they\'ll say yes. If not, follow...
  6. N

    Electronically Scanned Fingerprinting

    No Title You can call the FBI and ask for the status. 1-304-625-5590 select option 4 and tell them you want to check the status of your finger print submission. You\'ll need your A#.
  7. N

    Electronically Scanned Fingerprinting

    No Title I did the finger printing yesterday via the optical scan machine. The lady at the ASC said that the rejection rate for optical scan is very low compared to ink. In fact, the FBI has already processed my FP and sent the results back to the INS (in less than 12 hours).