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    finally approved after almost 1000 days!

    yes, I was told by senator's office that my name check has not been completed according to NSC when I fist contacted his office Feb 2004, so I called FBI, 3 days later a very nice lady called me and told me that since my case was so old so she has pulled it out and somebody would run the ckeck...
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    finally approved after almost 1000 days!

    Sorry, FP2: 4-2004 name check completed April 2004 after called .
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    finally approved after almost 1000 days!

    RD: 9-4-2001 ND: 9-28-2001 FP1: 5-2001 FP2: 4-2001 No Ref., no job changing. Sorry I didn't registed on runpet.
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    finally approved after almost 1000 days!

    Just checked online message and it says that my case got approved yesterday! It is a long journy full of frustration and hope, finally it's over! the other members in the family haven't got approved yet. I want to say to those who are still waiting that your day will come soon, trust me...
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    how long it'll take for NSC to receive the name check result?

    Called senator's office again and was told that the NSC did receive the name check result (don't know when and don't know why it took so long ) and the case was on the way to an officer so I should hear the decision by the end of this month. No, the finger and the name check are two...
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    how long it'll take for NSC to receive the name check result?

    ok. I know how you are feeling but don't be so upset, I know several people whose RDs are several months before mine are still waitting, I think we can get approval at least in this year!
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    how long it'll take for NSC to receive the name check result?

    end of last month. 2 weeks they helped me to get 2nd finger print scheduled.
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    how long it'll take for NSC to receive the name check result?

    Does anybody know that how long it will take for NSC to receive the name check result after FBI send it to INS headquater? Mine was done April 8 2004 according to FBI, but when the Senator's office called NSC (last week), the answer was that they are still waitting for name check result. My...