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  1. R

    TTS Dropbox - how long it takes

    My wife qualifies for TTS drop box service for H4 visa stamping. website says it takes 2 weeks to get passport back. Any experience from anybody on how long it takes in reality. Are there any chances that consular invites her for interview. We are leaving to India on May...
  2. R

    H4 visa stamping - Chennai

    Hi, My AP was approved in NSC on 04/21/04. My wife's AP is not approved. It has same receipt date. I have valid H1 (not visa stamping) and she has valid H4 (not visa stamping) that is valid through June 17, 2004. We are planning to return to US on Jun 10, 2004 We have to leave to India...
  3. R

    AP approved - NSC - Please help

    My AP is approved in NSC. RD - March 4,2004. AD -April 21, 2004 But my wife's AP is not approved. It was applied with mine and has same reciept date as mine. What could be the reason? Does anybody have similar experiences. If so, how long it would typically take for my wife's case...