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  1. G

    Is Platic acrd taking 12 months now????

    go take a look at "NSC - Plastic Tracker" There is a NSC - Plastic Tracker (active) in this forum, you will find all the useful information there. Hope this could help:)
  2. G

    NSC - Plastic Tracker

    I got my plastic card today, it was mailed on 11/12/2004. My wife and my son got their cards 5 months back. To summerize: I did call NSC on September, got a letter saying that my application was in line to be scanned. So I suspect, this is the difference from those "12-18 months" cases...
  3. G

    NSC - Plastic Tracker

    Different letter I got a totally different letter from NSC. “You receipt number is LINXXXXXXXXXXXX. Your I-89 card was received on 3-26-04 and is in line to be scanned” One month slipped away, nothing happened :)
  4. G

    NSC - Plastic Tracker

    I received a letter from CIS regarding my inquiry. “You receipt number is LINXXXXXXXXXXXX. Your I-89 card was received on 3-26-04 and is in line to be scanned” What does it mean? Anybody received similar letter. BTW, I did call CIS one week ago, which ended up with an inquiry promise:)
  5. G

    NSC - Plastic Tracker

    I am in the same boat:) My wife and my son got plastic cards 1 month ago, I (principal applicant) not yet. Don't worry, I think we can get it sooner or later, maybe tomorrow, the day after....) Details stamped 3/18/2004 (three of us) Wife and son (got Plastic card on June) Me, still...
  6. G

    Plastic card

    March this year
  7. G

    Plastic card

    My wife and my son received their plastic cards, but I didn't so far? Does anyone have the same experience?
  8. G


    got the approval notice Received the approval notice, it took around a week to get it.
  9. G


    I already did I already did. Thanks
  10. G


    about 2 weeks RFE: 2/10/2004 Replied: 2/23/2004 AD: 3/10/2004 So that's two weeks after RFE received.
  11. G

    What time does INS change online status

    Experience I checked my status on 6:30 P.M, didn't change on 8:30 P.M, it changed
  12. G


    After two posts on this forum, my case got approved:) RD: March 2002 ND: April 2002 FP1: May 2002 FP2: December 2003 RFE: Feb 2004 (Emp letter) AD: 3/10/2004, wife/son's cases got approved as well. Thanks for all the information from you guys, I firmly believe your day will come.
  13. G

    Is it normal: primary applicant approved, secondary still waiting?

    It is OK Don't worry, my wife and my son's approval came one day after mine. RD: 3/16/2002 ND:4/2/2002 FP2: 12/??/2003 RFE: 2/10/2004 Replied: 2/23/2004 AD for me: 3/10/2004 AD for wife and son: 3/11/2004
  14. G

    NSC slows down

    NSC seems to slow down this week. I remember last Wednsday, there were 8 approvals on rupnet. 1. On training? (I heard they have training every year around March) 2. Do they work all week-days or just one day?
  15. G

    What time does INS change online status

    I am wondering what the exact time is for INS to update its database. In the morning, noon, evening or night. I had experience in finding out they change the info around 11:30 P.M. However, according to the posts in rupnet, some of them fall into the morning, afternoon..... And, it...
  16. G

    NSC picking up new cases

    So, it is really hard to track the pattern NSC is using!!!! Wait sounds the only solution.
  17. G

    Any new RFEs?

    There are one for RD 04/2002 and two for RD 05/2002. BTW, all these RFEs were issued recently (Febraray). However no such luck for 02/2002, 03/2003 cases.
  18. G

    Exact time NSC updates online status

    Does anyone know by any chance the time during the day NSC( or more generally USCIS ) updates the online status? ???At anytime (work hour) ???Batch job (At some specific time based on the scheduled job) ???some other pattern
  19. G

    NSC picking up new cases

    As I mentioned in earlier post, NSC starts processing 05/2002 cases now. Is this a hint that NSC started picking up new cases instead of reviewing old RFEs only? Another puzzle is: is RFE sent whenever FBI name-check is back or just totally random?
  20. G

    RFEs for 05/2002

    I noticed that there are two RFEs issues for RD 05/2002 filers. And more interestingly, RFEs were issued 02/03/2004 (yesterday). The good news is NSC is start picking up new cases again. The bad news is for Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr filers, NSC favors using .NET GC (garbage collection) approach that...